
Bob Barker's Book Showcase

The legendary game-show host, who recently published a memoir, Priceless Memories, shares four of his favorite reads, from a book about the Sioux Indians to Harper’s Bible Dictionary.


These Were the Siouxby Mari Sandoz

“I lived for eight years on the Rosebud Indian Reservation… Hence, I have a deep interest in all things Sioux.”

My father was one-quarter Sioux and I lived for eight years on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. Hence, I have a deep interest in all things Sioux. This little book provides readers of all ages an excellent insight into Sioux customs and family life.


Harper's Bible DictionaryEdited by Paul J. Achtemeier

“The dictionary makes great reading by itself!”

I never read the Bible without this dictionary at my side. But, its descriptions of people, places, and events are so vivid and entertaining that the dictionary makes great reading by itself!


The Coming Furyby Bruce Catton

“Mr. Catton makes it heartbreakingly clear that the Civil War was unavoidable.”

This is an informative, colorful, and thrilling explanation of why the South fought the North in our country's war. Mr. Catton makes it heartbreakingly clear that the Civil War was unavoidable.


The Worst Hard Time: The Untold Story of Those Who Survived the Great American Dust Bowlby Timothy Egan

“I grew up on the prairies of South Dakota during the years of the Dust Bowl and this book tells our story.”

I grew up on the prairies of South Dakota during the years of the Dust Bowl and this book tells our story. With words, Mr. Egan paints an accurate picture of how difficult life became during those years.

Bob Barker is best known as the epitome of game-show hosts, having recently retired after 50 years on television, and 35 years of hosting The Price Is Right—the longest running game show in TV history. His memoir, Priceless Memories, was recently released by Center Street, an imprint of Hachette Group.

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