
Six Classic Oscar Mayer Wiener Commercials

Oscar G. Mayer, the man behind the hot dogs that bear his name, died July 7th at the age of 95. Here's a look at some of the classic commercials his company released since the 1960's.

Jason Kempin, FilmMagic / Getty Images

“My bologna has a first name…”

This classic 1973 commercial includes the jingle that’s best associated with the brand. We dare you not to sing along.

Hello, Deli!

This 1986 commercial uses the title tune of the musical Hello, Dolly! and features a cameo by Dolly herself, Broadway doyenne Carol Channing.

Hot Dogs? How Rude!

Jodie Sweetin, best known as Stephanie Tanner on Full House, stars in this 1987 hot dog commercial.

Wishing to Be Wieners

The other jingle Oscar Mayer is best remembered for is “Oh, I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener,” which is showcased in this 1965 commercial.

It’s No Batmobile, But It’ll Do

This 1998 commercial features the famous Wienermobile, which was used to promote the brand across the country.

Those Shoulder Pads Could Use a Deli Slicer

1986 flashback! Ignore the fashion travesties and focus on that classic jingle that ensured no American would ever misspell “bologna” ever again.

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