Platitudes are no longer acceptable.
Government at all levels and governing institutions are necessary and should play vital roles in our society. However there is a Bitter Pill that must be recognized and accepted by all for a restructuring to be effective. This is beyond the current financial issues in America. Our founding fathers saw beyond their time when writing the Declaration and Constitution, we must first return to those sound and simple principles.
The Manifesto by Philip Howard contains some key elements: simplicity, responsibility, and accountability. Our institutions have proven themselves incapable of internal self-correction to any substantial degree. The restructuring of the institutions that help govern and run our society requires parallel action from internal and external forces.
We must grow a new and qualified group of leaders with the principles and necessary skills. This should be a focal point for the Tea Party movement and the country. In parallel, those with the access and power who seek real change must use their influence to halt or slow that which is bad, and when possible correct willing peers.
Americans must also take responsibility. We should ask less of government thus removing its growing influence. We should act publicly and at the ballot box when government and elected officials fail us. We are the solution. Leaders, leadership and a prosperous country are the goals.
David Webb co-founded TeaParty365 in April 2009. It has an active membership of thousands in New York City and was a founding member organization in the National Tea Party Federation. He is host of "The David Webb Show" on Sirius XM Patriot and “The Grinder” business talk show on AM 970 New York City.