
Kevin Smith: Indie God or Disappointment?


The hype, the letdown, and the residual anger surrounding his new movie, 'Red State.'


First there was the hype, then there was the letdown, and now, a day after Kevin Smith screened his latest film, Red State at Sundance, there is the residual anger. On Sunday, the Clerks writer-director stunned audiences and film buyers alike by announcing that he was not, as promised, going to auction off the distribution rights to Red State, a movie he touted as a ā€œhorror movieā€ inspired by Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps.Instead, Smith bought the rights himself, for twenty bucks, and said that in an act of anti-studio-system protest, heā€™d sell his own film, starting things off with a 15-city tour this summer. Smithā€™s disingenuousness was made all the worse by the overload of characteristic Smith hype that preceded Red Stateā€™s screening. (The protest/counter-protest outside the Eccles Theater being just one piece of his elaborate fabric.) Not helping matters is that the film, though loved by certain Smith die-hards, is generally considered a disappointment.Whatā€™s most remarkable, though, is that at a festival where films are premiering every hour, and where even the most memorable of them are quickly bowled over by this minuteā€™sā€”as opposed to last minuteā€™sā€“buzz, people are still stewing over Smithā€™s Sundance episode.To read the rest of Nicole's post on Sundance Channel, click here

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