
Horoscope: Week of April 10

With Pluto in retrograde and a big-deal cosmic formation called the Grand Cross making its way through the skies, you'll need our guidance to navigate the cosmos' complexity this week.

Happy Birthday Seth Rogen!


Seth Rogen (April 15, 1982) Aries self-starter Rogen began doing standup at 12, and he wrote a draft of Superbad at 13. Singularly driven, he ditched high school to star in TV's Freaks and Geeks, ever since spearheading a double-edged career as writer and actor. His head-butting humor and diss duels with other celebrities are signature Ram. Ruled by Mars, named for the war god, Aries actors often play soldiers and superheroes. With his chunky-to-hunky transformation into the Green Hornet, the Rogenator, pretty surprisingly, is no exception.

Aries Pluto retrograde stirs up other orbs in Aries now. Named for the god of the underworld, this planet deals in subtext and subversive action. Beyond insisting you're cc'd on every email and that all deals are in writing, you must play detective, asking a slew of questions and considering all angles others could be working. Have fun with this. Maybe work a new trenchcoat. An air of mystery suffuses your experience, inspiration being found in subcultures that are new to you. Dig deeper into exotic and esoteric areas of interest for direction in creative pursuits, especially. You have, or are, a not-so-secret admirer.

Taurus Cultivate healthy detachment as Venus transits your cosmic zone of impersonal contacts. Many mini acquaintanceships take precedence over intimate bonds. This may rankle love or biz partnerships. But genuinely significant others give you room to spread wings. Those who don't could be up for elimination. Reflect on true friendships you casually threw under the bus for self-advancement, say, two years ago. There is potential healing here. Extending an olive branch is beneficial to your well being, even if it gets slapped down. Networking via a large organization yields surprise propositions you shouldn't sneeze at.

Gemini Jupiter is rear-ending Mercury in retrograde. This has the potential to synergize master plans with the myriad tiny tasks it takes to tackle these larger aims. Still, you can easily get lost in details. So fight against becoming mired. Prioritize must-dos. Then step away from work, full stop. Break and sit for meals. Stick to exercise plans. Show for social gigs. Get up earlier and walk, if just part way, to work. This allows said synergy to gel. And—brace yourself for tough love—it begs the question: Is your micro-managing of minutiae and minions, not to mention your mate, all too often a pretense of productivity?

Cancer Cut losses and redirect energy to what works. The Moon and Pluto lead a big-deal cosmic formation called a Grand Cross, which urges you to play on winning teams and abandon sinking ships. Doing the latter isn't easy, but sentimentality for failing enterprises gets you nowhere. As it is, you are a fountain of feeling now, and those who try to monitor or cap such expression don't deserve the sustained nurturing your emotional investment provides. But they will miss it when it's gone. And there are those waiting in the wings willing to be showered by your affection and, yes, confounded by your ever-changing moods.


Leo Remember, you have choices. Obstacles are designed to strengthen resolve and sharpen navigation skills in tricky negotiations. There is no such thing as a dead end now. A Leo Moon on Tuesday assists Mars and Uranus in guiding you to outthink and outmaneuver people at the bargaining table. And to make them thank you for it. Don't say "but." Say "yes, and" instead. And smile. Be the poster child of positive affirmation. As such, you send the right signals: that you fully appreciate the needs of others, yes, and you're willing to have them satisfy all of yours, and then some. From dearth to abundance in under a week!

Virgo Recent lessons learned are put to the test. With a Virgo Moon opposing Neptune and Venus in your sign midweek, insecurities can loom large and you look to others for validation. Can you recognize this as old behavior and weather the storm without putting undue pressure on your loved ones, let alone blaming them for the upset? Signs show you can. And that emotional muscle is built in the process. Embracing your childlike nature, having wholesome fun, provides the medicinal benefit of laughter. Our own Rx includes fat, colored chalk for drawing hopscotch boxes, plus Whiffle Ball and water balloons.

Libra Blame it on a Moon-Saturn conjunction opposing a pack of planets this week, when issues with collaborators come to a head. Yes, you're world's more organized and efficient than partners or colleagues. But you engender no goodwill by continuing to hit this fact home. Sure, you must address dysfunction in team efforts. But at least feign admitting some faults here, too. Doing so inspires others to more readily pull their weight, and then some. Besides, letting go of the need to be right all the time says you've evolved. Either that, or you're becoming an even subtler player of mind games.

Scorpio Fantasizing is fueled by Venus and Neptune in Pisces. And it's been ages, actually, since you daydreamed out the window. You used to, once upon a time; in fact, that's how you conjured the reality you're now living. Well, get ready to work that magical mojo again. Only now your conscious reveries are no longer geared toward the acquisition of material abundance, but rather focused on increasing artistic expression and exposure to fresh influences. But even these are just means to a desired end. As woo-woo as it sounds, you're yearning for a more spiritual experience of life, wherein daydreaming is a slice of daily bread.

Sagittarius What you intellectually supply may seem at odds with what your industry or the marketplace demands. But remain true to your vision. If anything, expand it. A Mercury-Jupiter merger urges you to put your boldest, unabridged ideas out there, and watch them catch like wildfire. On a personal note, you may be feeling scattered, all over the place. Don't fight it. Give in to instincts about people and situations with certain abandon and, well, abandon them just as spontaneously if your gut tells you to. What others say about you is none of your beeswax. Meanwhile, there's little you utter now that isn't compelling to all.

Capricorn Think fast, Goat people. The universe is tossing you second chances right and left. And, yes, a few curveballs. The key is to not deliberate—your fave word, we know. But, just now, it's best not to ponder. Otherwise, you might talk yourself out of opportunities you've kicked yourself for not jumping on in the past. A total redesign-for-living might very well be in the making. Your only obligation is to put pipe-dreams first and financial fears a very distant 311th on your priority list. Pluto retrograde in your sign slows down any dissolution in your life, so you can better process and make peace with letting go.

Aquarius This week brings a sense of healing and homecoming as Venus in Aquarius cozies up to Uranus. Many of you will return to old stomping grounds, while others revisit discarded projects and even people. Indeed, relationships you nipped in the bud a few years back, you now yearn to rekindle. And though you claim reconciliation is due to others having changed, the truth is you have, way more so. Where you once cold-shouldered friends without warning, you now realize you did so out of fear that they were souring on you. Why the shift? Because you no longer need more stroking than a mature bond can provide.

Pisces Wise up to rise up. By the time the Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces, midweek, you already see through mercenaries masquerading as paragons of virtue. And though you're too refined to be called a rabble-rouser, you rally others to stand up for their rights in the workplace, on the steps of city hall, or within the confines of their own relationships. And don't it feel good? In fact, you realize you possess a voice that can be heard above a din of disinformation. It's enough, now, to use it to empower those close at hand. But a seed is being planted and may soon grow into a wider platform for your inspirational words and deeds.

Writers and astrologers Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox are the internationally bestselling authors of Sextrology and Cosmic Coupling and have contributed to Paris Vogue, Allure, Elle, and They are metaphysical consultants in private practice. Their live musical comedy act of starry wit and social commentary is regularly staged at venerable venues like Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater in New York.

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