
Horoscope: Week of May 1

With Mars and Jupiter out of touch with other planets until Thursday, and Pluto involved in nearly every celestial event, you'll need our guidance to navigate the cosmos this week.


Wes Anderson (May 1, 1969) Feminine Venus’ rule over Taurus makes men of the sign elegant, not rough-and-tumble. A modern-day Astaire or Crosby, the well-wardrobed Wes Anderson exhibits style and grace, both personally and in his filmmaking. Synonymous with money and station, Taurus’ motto is “I have”; and Anderson’s characters are often American aristocrats, if faded ones. Taurus is tactile, sensual, lush—adjectives ascribed to this auteur. Anderson surveys love and belonging, Venusian themes, from the passive-male Taurus perspective.

Aries When planets don’t connect at certain angles to one another, they’re called “unaspected.” With a pack of these wildcard bodies making a final transit of Aries this week, you feel a sense of anticipation and promise. Personal priorities are reshuffling, and your default me-first attitude helps clear a swath of competing obligations. You are no good to anyone unless your own needs are satisfied first. Bold moves and leaps of faith meet with cosmic assistance. Now is the time to throw caution to the wind and grab for proverbial gold rings. Friday, the Gemini Moon trine Neptune brings welcome news from out of the blue.

Taurus Adaptability doesn’t come easy for a stalwart Bull, but it’s crucial to your happiness now. Soften stances to save yourself grief. And nimble negotiation is a must to make contracts work. Proof-read emails for an over-imperious tone. And enjoy the social ride as plans change with the wind. With the New Moon in Taurus, Tuesday, you have a clean slate to fill with fresh projects and friendships. Not that bonds have necessarily ended badly. Let’s just say, would-be collaborators are no longer crowding the picture. A few weeks back we suggested you were overpromising the Moon. Others now need time to get over it.

Gemini This is a wee transition week. You’re tying bows on lingering endeavors while info-gathering for new ones. Mars and Jupiter out of touch with other planets until Thursday can give you the impression that anticipated windfalls are falling through. But fear not. And resist the urge to probe or pester for reassuring answers. Worry over the well-being of a loved one is replaced by the realization that you can’t play savior to perennial victims. Come Friday, the Gemini Moon is engaging five major planets, mainly in your sector of global communication: Cast a wide electronically powered net to promote your interests.

Cancer You’re blissfully oblivious to the small stuff. An enviable mindset for one who doggedly refuses to leave well-enough—let alone so-so—alone. Now even second-rate results are acceptable to achieve closure on deadlines and social obligations crowding your agenda. Not to say mediocre is the new black. Au contraire: You’re just saving creative and critical juices for endeavors that matter more personally than those stacking up on your desk. The Cancer Moon tweaking Pluto, Saturn and Uranus on Saturday means: It takes discipline and deviating from routines to stop picking at emotional sores in relationships.

Leo With Mars and Jupiter playing fast and loose till Thursday, you perfect the fine art of delegating, providing a vote of confidence to minions. Meanwhile, higher-ups dig your cool remove in dealing with some pretty tough customers. In personal bonds, detaching-with-love is doing your bit for the war against co-dependence. By Friday, the Moon teams with Neptune to provide you fortitude to see imaginative goals through to fruition. Hey, you bragged about your ability to reach such lofty aims in a short span of time. So take this hand from above and make it happen. And for Pete’s sake, don’t be a sore winner.

Virgo Relaxing self-imposed rules, you exude more oomph. By forgoing the counting of calories, for instance, you tally compliments if not notations in your lil’ black book. Freewheeling planets in your cosmic sector of transformation loosen inhibitions, and long-held opinions and secrets will eke out. Those who underestimated you now recognize a fierce friend or competitor. And in this high school called life your popularity skyrockets. But temper tastes of hubris with trademark humility. With the New Moon, Tuesday, cultivate a half-full perspective, appreciating your devotees instead of wooing those who dismiss you.

Libra Born under the only inanimate sign symbol—the Scales—you can be said to quell your very human emotions. Now the opposite is true as Pluto, controlling your fountain of feelings, is being worked up by other planets. Though some anger and sadness is elicited along with untold joy, exaltation and good old-fashioned enthusiasm, you revel in being so viscerally accessed. Still, it can take others off guard. People expect deliberation, not vivid expression, from you. As you humanize in their eyes, you’re shown more affection. You’re also solicited for attention, reminding you why you keep it stoic in the first place.

Scorpio With ruler Pluto involved in nearly every celestial event now, experience on the ground feels likewise loaded. This inspires certain surrender on your part. Pretenses come down. Cracks in your façade show, but they allow you to reach inside and root around for true desires and motivations. Not that you get a full handle on them. But you will cop a feel, which will serve you this summer when you come to personal crossroads. For now, you admit: as good as life may look from the outside, it feels hollower than it should. The Moon opposed Pluto, Saturday, spotlights the need for a (more?) soulful love connection.

Sagittarius It was sage writer Dawn Powell who said, “Luxury is living within your means.” Now, for you, truer words couldn’t be uttered. Even if you’re made of moolah, you benefit from current planet moves by putting a moratorium on spending. Removing thoughts of $ frees you to perceive the natural, innate abundance of experience. Despite peer pressure to splurge or save financial face, we promise: Each time you forgo unduly doling out dosh you’ll be cosmically rewarded with perks you can’t put a price tag on. By Saturday, the Moon and Neptune help turn a fantasy pastime into a new phase in your formal education.

Capricorn You Saturn-ruled souls sense your ruler’s restrictive, exclusive power and glean its true purpose now: Establishing boundaries keeps personal resources from becoming depleted or exploited. Others may read it as standoffishness or snobbism. It’s unfortunate, but you won’t lose any sleep. The New Moon on Tuesday delivers such big fish to fry that small-pond attitudes are not only negligible, they’re untenable. That a gi-normous long-term goal is now being realized is enough to send you running for the hills. The hardest part about getting what you want? Getting it. To cope, you must cultivate surplus meditative calm.

Aquarius The Moon isn’t in your seventh house, but Jupiter does align with Mars. Still, the notion of age doesn’t dawn on you, Aquarius. These latter two planets are having a field day in your cosmic sector of communication, and you information-gather like a kid gobbling his way through a candy store. Youth culture holds special appeal, and you aim to have your finger on the pulse of the excitingest happenstance, everywhere, from La MaMa to La Scala, La Jolla to La Toya. And as you feed your head on a diet of low and high art, you fuel your own intellectual and artistic aims which, frankly, need a fresh influx of inspiration.

Pisces What gives? It’s a burning question as you choose between endeavors that may or may not serve you. Go with your gut on this. A clue: Exciting opportunities without much material promise should outweigh lucrative empty ones. This cash dynamic switches anyway—where your bliss goes, money follows. The New Moon in Taurus, Tuesday provides new beginnings. Take stock of current circumstances, so you can start fresh. Just don’t inventory others’ actions and motivations, citing them as the cause of dysfunction. When, in fact, they might be a symptomatic reaction to your own dramatic inefficiency.

Writers and astrologers Stella Starsky and Quinn Cox are the internationally bestselling authors of Sextrology and Cosmic Coupling and have contributed to Paris Vogue, Allure, Elle, and They are metaphysical consultants in private practice. Their live musical comedy act of starry wit and social commentary is regularly staged at venerable venues like Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater in New York.

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