
Will and Kate’s Trip to America: Video of the Best Moments

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On the heels of their whirlwind Canada trip, the royal couple is now headed to America. Watch video.


California Dreaming: Will and Kate’s U.S. Debut

The bright lights of Hollywood were no match for the royal couple who outshined the stars during their Los Angeles debut.  The Prince showed off his polo skills Saturday, scoring not one but four goals for his team.  And later the duo set flash bulbs-a-blazing when they stepped onto the red-carpet while dressed to the nines.

Royal Faux Pas?

A royal snub? Say it ain't so! On the last day of their Canadian tour, Will and Kate may have inadvertently ignored a time honored tradition. When presented with white cowboy hats in Calgary, the equivalent to being offered the key to the city, the royals didn't immediately place them on their heads. But after a quick wardrobe change, the couple emerged with the hats in tow – placed firmly on their noggins. So was it really a royal blunder? You be the judge.

The Royal Embrace

For mere commoners, hugging in public is hardly unusual. But for members of the British royal family, public displays of affection are rare at best. The young royals wowed the crowd following a friendly boat race on Prince Edward Island. William’s team took the win—insert chivalry joke here—and when it was all over Will and Kate hugged briefly, sending royal watchers into a tizzy.

A Fairytale Helicopter Landing

Once upon a time, the future King of England landed a Sea King helicopter on the waters off Prince Edward Island. Prince William awed those in attendance at the training exercise, using his Royal Air Force expertise to simulate an emergency landing. The Duchess of Cambridge watched from the ground as her husband, dressed like G.I. Joe, pulled off the impressive move. Did we mention it was the first time he’s landed on water? Now that’s some royal excitement!

The Duke and Duchess of Digging

Will and Kate got their hands dirty, figuratively speaking, during their stop in Ottawa. The duo took part in a planting ceremony, delicately shoveling soil onto a new tree. Later they donned chef’s jackets for a culinary lesson to try to master the art of French cooking.

Royal Parasites? Don’t Think So

While most of the crowds turning out for the Duke and Duchess cheered them wildly, a few Canadians did their best to make their views known. A group of anti-monarchy protestors gathered in Montreal to heckle the young royals, holding up signs reading “Royal Parasites.” Unfazed, Will and Kate ignored the fuss and went about the day’s activities, cheerfully walking the streets and greeting well-wishers.

Will’s French-Canadian Flair

When in Canada, do as the Canadians do. At a stop in Ottawa, the Duke of Cambridge was a crowd pleaser when he did his best to deliver a speech in French, even if it was a little broken. After thanking “le grande famille Canadien,” Will promised the crowd his speaking would get better over the course of the trip. “It will improve as we go on,” he quipped. The crowd didn’t seem to mind his speaking abilities.

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