It all has to come to an end sometimeâsadly, even Republicans eventually have to face some semblance of reality, if only when they run out of moneyâbut this weekendâs presidential debate was enough to make even the most cynical voter prematurely nostalgic.
How could it get any better than itâs already been?
The presidential campaign hasnât even started yet, officially, but recent weeks have offered a veritable cornucopia of treasures to the dedicated aficionado of American politics. The latest GOP debateâthe 10th so farâproduced some wonderful new greatest-hits selections for the delectation of viewing audiences.
There were Mitt and Newt going all Fearless Warrior on us, like angry dads doing their best Iâm-mad-as-hell-and-Iâm-not-going-to-take-it-anymore impersonations, declaring that they would start a war on Iran if that gosh-darned country doesnât just buckle under and do what we say.
There were Michele and Herman, vowing that they wouldnât hesitate to use waterboarding on bad guys who get obstinate; added bonus points should go to Herm for insisting that waterboarding isnât torture. Since the writer Christopher Hitchens was brave enough to try it, perhaps Herm could stage a televised demonstration and undergo waterboarding himself, in order to show us all how itâs not unpleasant enough that we should lose any sleep over inflicting near-drowning on other human beings.
But the real highlight of the debate was when the camera occasionally pulled back and panned over the whole onstage line-up. It was thrillingâlike seeing a beloved Disney animated movie come to life in the form of a contemporary political allegory.

Indeed, if youâre over 4 years old, how could the current Republican presidential race fail to qualify as your favorite-ever version of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves? But instead of Grumpy, Dopey and Sleepy, weâve been treated to a whole new array of characters this seasonâmore and better than ever!
The GOPâs bumper crop of nine dwarves is headed up by Mitt âIâm not a lying sleazeball!â Romney, still desperately trying to convince everyone that the earth is flat and that he isnât a completely amoral political opportunist who will unhesitatingly reverse any position to pander to the voters. Without even addressing the fact that he drove to Canada with his dog strapped to the roof of his car, we could call him Smarmy.
(The Irish setter, clearly unhappy with Dadâs strategy, responded by pooping all over the roof and windows of the Romney family car, according to news reports at the time. Given this Sundayâs New York Times story about how Mitt made many millions of dollars by acquiring businesses, running them into bankruptcy, and depriving people of their jobs, his former employees might want to consider the dogâs tactic for future reference.)
Then thereâs Rick âIâm not a moron!â Perry, still counting on his fingers and visibly straining to remember the key points his despairing handlers told him to make. We donât want to recycle the Dopey trope, so we could borrow from another Disney classic and call him Dumbo.
And of course thereâs Herman âIâm not a chronic sexual predator who knows absolutely nothing about world leadership!â Cain, blithely changing the subject like a real political pro when he doesnât know the answer to a question and simply talking about something else instead. Heâs a fast learner, that Herm; we could call him Sleazy.
Coming up fast in the outside lane these days is Newt âIâm not a pompous gasbag whoâs going to shoot myself in the foot yet again if you give me half a chance!â Gingrich, attempting to appear above the fray (âIâm so much smarter than the rest of these clowns that itâs beneath my dignity even to engage with such stupid questions!â) instead of letting on that heâs just as desperate as the others.
Although Newtâs swollen ego has always impaired his ability to perceive reality, even he must recognize that this is his last chance to convince the electorate that heâs a reasonable alternative to a sorry crew instead of a mind-bogglingly self-destructive blowhard whose self-regard is topped only by his remarkable talent for sabotaging his own chances whenever America makes the mistake of taking him seriously yet again.
Newt has long been the ultimate hypocrite, cheating on his wives while dumping one after another even as he excoriated Bill Clintonâstill holding at wife number one, after all these yearsâfor his own sexual conduct. If youâd rather talk about money than sex, letâs not forget Newtâs profligacy in running up a $500,000 debt at Tiffanyâs for bling for wife number three, which didnât stop him from lecturing everyone else about fiscal responsibility. âItâs a normal way of doing business,â he protested when questioned about his jewelry debt.
Of course, many voters think that attitude is precisely what needs to be changed in our nationâs capital, where the government has turned deficit spending into an art form, but whatever. Although a good case could be made for calling Newt many other names, we could probably all agree on Shameless.
Then there are the also-ransâpoor Rick âIâm not invisible!â Santorum, whose frustration that nobody wants to hear from him has become so apoplectic that he looks as if heâs about to implode right up there at the podium, and Jon âIâm not Mitt!â Huntsman, who has been reduced to making forlorn jokes about being in Siberia, and Ron âIâm not crazy!â Paul, who shouldnât really stand next to Rick Perry at these debates, because it makes him look like a frail, ancient, real-life little person who is about to be crushed by an extremely large but buffoonish cartoon hero, sort of like the laughably empty-headed but magnificently muscled Gaston in Beauty and the Beast.
In case we keep forgetting who Santorum is, we could call him What Was Your Name Again?
Huntsman can be Youâre Not Going to Win No Matter What You Do, So Get Over It.
And if Gaston doesnât hurl him off the castle wall first, Ron Paul can be hailed with Sorry, But No One Cares That Youâre the Only One Here with a Modicum of Common Sense.
A little long for dwarf names, to be sure, but is it asking too much to give the guys with zero chance some extra verbiage as a consolation prize? If that seems too complicated, however, we could settle for simpler names. How about Irrelevant, Hopeless, and Weird?
And then thereâs Michele âI make sense on alternate days, really I do!â Bachmann, our very own Snow White, who alternates between sounding intelligent and entertaining us with gaffes so spectacular they put her in Sarah Palin territory, otherwise known as Alaska (slightly less bleak than Siberia, in other words, but pretty far up there on the frozen tundra scale of exile).
Bachmann makes a lovely Snow White heroine, but since sheâs the most bizarrely erratic of 10 epically underwhelming candidates in this ongoing debacle, maybe we should just call her Clueless.
Altogether, what a cast! Soon the presidential campaign will turn into a political thriller like Agatha Christieâs Ten Little Indians, with victims dropping one by one, until the ghastly end: And then there were none.
But next year, after all the GOP contenders have finally bombed out of the race for the White House and Barack Obamaâpossibly the luckiest presidential incumbent in history, given the caliber of his challengersâhas been reelectedâsomeone should get the Republican characters back together and put on a show.
To supplement the hilarious cast weâve grown so fond of during these months, Donald Trump and Chris Christie could make occasional cameo appearances, just for added laughs.
Disney is always on the lookout for new material, and the Republican race would make a great Broadway musical.
They could call it âThe Decline and Fall of the American Empire.â