
Drudge's Anti-Newt Assault

matt drudge

There's no subtlety in the online avalanche against Gingrich

Matt Drudge, who’s been a monster traffic-driver since the Clinton-Lewinsky era, has never hidden his conservative leanings.While he’s open to hot stories of all kinds, Drudge seems to take a special glee in linking to stories that boost Republicans or embarrass Democrats.But now, in the midst of a hard-fought GOP primary, Drudge is going all out against Newt.On Thursday, the Drudge Report featured an explosion of headlines raining mud down on Gingrich, which of course helps Mitt Romney.The screamer: “INSIDER: GINGRICH REPEATEDLY INSULTED REAGAN.” (So says Elliott Abrams in National Review.)Then there’s “Dole Assails Gingrich in plea to conservatives. (Indeed, Bob Dole says many of Newt’s ideas were “off the wall” and that his nomination would produce an Obama “landslide.” It’s clear the ex-senator is still steamed about Newt screwing up his 1996 campaign, when Bill Clinton’s ads constantly attacked the Gingrich-Dole Republicans.)The avalanche continues with “CNN: Gingrich admits his ABC claim was false during debate.” (Which, by the way, I reported last week, when Gingrich’s spokesman said there was nothing to back up Newt’s charge that ABC News refused to interview surrogates—other than his daughters—to challenge the “open marriage” claim by his ex-wife Marianne. Which is why I was surprised that Gingrich doubled down by repeating the charge on John King’s show. Yes, he apparently still talks to John King.)And just for good measure: “FL Poll: Romney stronger than Gingrich in general election vs. Obama.”Now you might say that this is another sign that the conservative establishment is joining forces against Gingrich. After all, Ann Coulter, a Drudge pal, just dropped a pro-Romney column titled “Reelect Obama: Vote Newt!”But Drudge, a quirky crusader who lives in Florida, has never been part of any establishment. He must have concluded that Gingrich would be a disaster as the Republican nominee. And he’s using his considerable firepower to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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