
‘The Woman in Black:’ Will Daniel Radcliffe Survive After ‘Harry Potter’?

Flick Picks

In our weekly video feature ‘Flick Picks,’ The Daily Beast’s Ramin Setoodeh and Rolling Stone film critic Peter Travers debate the new movies opening at a theater near you. See which films get a ‘Yes,’ ‘No’ or ‘Maybe’ from our critics. This week, we ask whether Daniel Radcliffe stumbles with The Woman in Black after his huge Harry Potter success. Plus, Chronicle is a superhero story for angsty teenage boys.

Nick Wall / CBS Films

The Woman in Black

Daniel Radcliffe is arguably one of the most successful movie stars ever, since his eight Harry Potter films have grossed $7.7 billion worldwide. His first post-Potter project, The Woman in Black, is based on the 1983 ghost story by Susan Hill, and he trades Hogwarts for a haunted house in the English countryside. But is it scary enough to make us forget about Lord Voldemort?


Three high school friends (played by Dane DeHaan, Alex Russell and Michael B. Jordan) suddenly discover they have telekinetic powers (they can fly!). This is a familiar story, but told through a voyeuristic Blair Witch Project-like camera lens, Chronicle feels more ambitious than an X-Men sequel.

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