
Party like P-Middy

Pip's Tips

Some top-tips for organising Jubilee Street Parties from the online party magazine, the Party Times, which is edited by none other than young Pippa Middleton.

P-Middy’s top tips include:

“Delegate dishes and responsibilities to different people or households. Everyone can bring a dish of something, whether it’s a platter of sandwiches, a ready-made quiche, Victoria sponge or a Sherry trifle.”

“Ask the local chip shop to drop off a fish and chip feast for everyone or your local pub to organise a pile of scotch eggs or sausage rolls. Everyone can bring their own bottles which you can keep cool in a big bucket.”

“The colours of the Union Jack lend themselves perfectly to the festivities. Deck the table out in red white and blue with poppers, hats and blowers and have bunting all along the street. Fill balloons with helium and tie them to lampposts, garden gates or the backs of chairs.”

I know! Bake a cake! Get an ice bucket! Inflate some balloons – and tie them to the back of chairs!

It’s amazing and insightful stuff, we are sure you’ll agree, and bound to ramp up the excitement for Celebrate, Pip’s party planning book to be published later this year!