
Sunday Talk: Ann Coulter Defends Mitt Romney & More (Video)


Coulter calls Romney the ‘Midas Touch Man,’ Axelrod does damage control, and more.

Clockwise from top left: ABC; ABC; CBS; CNN

Ann Coulter: Romney Is ‘The Midas Touch Man’

Introducing the world’s more boring superhero: on ABC’s This Week, conservative commentator Ann Coulter called Mitt Romney “the Midas Touch Man.” The pugnacious provocateur said that “Romney has had a Midas touch with everything he's done.” Former Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell and former Obama adviser Van Jones were quick to disagree—and Mike Huckabee stayed awfully quiet as Coulter sang Romney’s praises. “It is not just Bain,” she continued, “it is everything he touches.” Coming soon to a theater near you.

Mitch Daniels: Down With Public Unions!

Government is “shackled” by public-sector unions, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels said on Fox News Sunday. That’s why he got rid of state workers’ collective-bargaining rights on his first day in office. Those rights were “pages of thou shalt not” that were getting in the way, he said: “If we were going to make government work effectively, we really had to have the freedom to move resources where they were needed.” Of course “we’re not going after anybody,” he continued. “We’re just going after better government and more jobs for people in our state.” Indiana ranks 46th in state-worker gross salary.

Terence Smith: Obama’s Gaffe “Romney-esque”

PBS Newshour’s former media correspondent might have come up with a brilliant way to nullify campaign slip-ups: describe them as mistakes characteristic of your opponent. On Reliable Sources Sunday, Terence Smith said that a recent Obama gaffe was “Romney-esque in its clumsiness.” Genius.

John McCain Hates Leaks

Is the White House leaking sensitive national-security information to paint the president as tough on terrorism? John McCain thinks so. Obama, meanwhile, called that suggestion “offensive.” On Sunday, Senator McCain told Candy Crowley on State of the Union that the leaks themselves are “offensive.” It’s a classic case of political “I know you are, but what am I?”

Mike Rogers: Leakers Must ‘Close their Yaps’

Call it a home(land security) renovation. House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Rogers is worried about the “parade of leaks” that he says compromises America’s national security. “We need to close their yaps here,” he told Face the Nation’s Bob Schieffer, referring to the people (not the pipes) doing the leaking. Between him and Sen. McCain—who’s known for his call to “complete the danged fence” in Arizona—they could start a congressional contracting company.

Scott Walker Takes a Victory Lap

Say what? Controversial and newly not-recalled Governor Scott Walker told Face the Nation’s Bob Schieffer that his cuts to collective-bargaining rights helped the workers whose rights he cut. “Our reforms allowed us to protect firefighters, police officers, and teachers,” Walker said. The firefighters, police officers, and teachers who were protesting those “reforms” might disagree. Walker also said he hopes Mitt Romney adopts a platform as aggressive as his own. “I hope he goes big and he goes bold,” he said. Watch out.

David Axelrod Tries to Protect Obama

On Friday, President Obama said “the private sector is doing fine.” Immediately, Mitt Romney went after the misstep, and on Sunday released an ad that ends with the ominous words “NO, MR. PRESIDENT, WE ARE NOT DOING FINE.” Senior Obama adviser David Axelrod tried to soften the blow on This Week, saying: “I think the American people are smarter than that.” You don’t think Americans will be influenced by a TV ad, Ax? Check out this one: your 2008 campaign put together to pounce on a similar McCain mistake—and it’s almost identical.

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