Marco Rubio: Immigration “Politicized by the President”
Get this man an ice rink because boy, can he skate. Florida senator and potential Romney VP Marco Rubio did figure-8's around some tough questioning on Meet the Press Sunday. Host David Gregory asked Rubio “Can anyone become legal without first going home?” three times—and Rubio never gave a straight answer. “It’s not just about immigration,” the senator said, “it’s about security.” On Arizona’s controversial immigration law, for example, Rubio said he supported the state’s right to pass the law, but doesn’t see it as a national model. Regardless, he added, the only reason Arizona had to pass the law in the first place was because the Obama administration has failed to enforce national immigration laws.
Darrell Issa: Which Came First, Gun Control or Gun Running? “Chicken or egg?” asked the man leading the charge to find Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress on This Week. House oversight committee chairman Darrell Issa told guest host Jake Tapper that there’s no way to know whether the Obama White House pushed guns into Mexico to make a case for gun control back home. “We don't know which came first,” the Republican congressman said. “We probably never will.” P.S. His big opening line on both This Week and Fox News Sunday? “It’s regrettable we’re here.” Right, because you have nothing to do with that.
Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney ‘Created Outsourcing’
Welcome to hyperbole heaven. Obama’s deputy campaign manager told Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation Sunday that Mitt Romney “created the practice of outsourcing American jobs overseas.” Citing a Washington Post article titled “Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas,” Cutter called Romney a “pioneer in outsourcing.”
A Historic Election in Egypt
“The army still runs this country.” That was CNN Cairo bureau chief Ben Wedeman on State of the Union Sunday morning, just hours before Mohamed Morsi won Egypt’s presidential election. The Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate won 51 percent of the vote and sparked a massive celebration in Tahrir Square, where Wedeman and Christiane Amanpour were broadcasting live. Morsi defeated former Mubarak prime minister Ahmed Shafiq, but remains shackled by recent legislation that gives Egypt’s ruling military council oversight over the president’s decisions.
Elijah Cummings: ‘No Evidence’ Holder Knew About Fast and Furious
Can’t we all just get along? The top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee told Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday that Eric Holder knew nothing about Operation Fast and Furious. “There is no evidence that he [Eric Holder] knew about it. There is no evidence that he authorized or condoned it,” said Rep. Elijah Cummings. He then called on Speaker Boehner to show “strong leadership” and sit down with Holder to work out a compromise. Holder faces a vote of contempt in Congress next week.
Adam Buckman: Ann Curry is the ‘Scapegoat’ Stop blaming Ann! The founder of told Reliable Sources host Howard Kurtz that the Today show has bigger problems than bad chemistry between Matt Lauer and Ann Curry. But Maureen Ryan of The Huffington Post said that the PR nightmare caused by Curry’s rumored departure doesn’t even rank on the top 10 list of “things NBC has done wrong.” Paging David Letterman…
Tim Pawlenty Will Mow Your Lawn
“I’ll come over to your house, Bob Schieffer, and mow your lawn if you can find President Obama’s specific proposals on reforming entitlements [in Medicaid and Medicare].” That was Tim Pawlenty’s big promise on Face the Nation Sunday. But even more striking was that the Romney adviser saw nothing wrong with SuperPAC donors speaking at campaign events, despites rules that prevent campaigns and SuperPACs from coordinating. The two entities can talk about policy, Pawlenty said; they just can’t talk about how campaigns spend money. Because those two aren’t related at all...