A bizarre row that has been simmering for several days concerning one of the dresses that Kate wore on her official visit to the Solomon Islands has erupted into public view.
During their visit to the Solomon Islands, William and Kate accidentally wore clothes from the Cook Islands, which is about as popular as calling a Canadian an American or an Irishman British
In the Solomons, authorities are furious, saying they specifically asked for Prince William's measurements so they could make him a shirt with a map of the Solomon Islands on it.They were told Kate would wear one of her own dresses.William and Kate were supposed to wear a handmade shirt and traditional dress to the event in Honiara on 16 September.Unfortunately the honorary US consul, Kethie Saunders, left a Cook Islands-made shirt and dress in their room as gifts, and the royal couple put them on.
One of the royal entourage noticed that the clothes in the suite – a bright blue patterned shirt and a strapless fuchsia dress – did not match the descriptions of the ones that had been agreed on.A spokesman for Clarence House told the Daily Telegraph: "We saw they weren't the same design of the traditional clothes we were told would be gifted."So we checked with the Solomon Islands government to ensure the right ones were worn."We were reassured the clothes were correct, and so the Duke and Duchess wore them to the event."It was not learned until later in the evening that the clothes weren't from the islands."But it was understood that the Duke and Duchess intended to wear traditional Solomon Island clothes and this was appreciated. No offence was caused."Well, it was in fact. An official from Government House of the Solomon Islands has now said: "We are incredibly frustrated that this situation has come about and see Kethie as entirely to blame."It was completely inappropriate for her to go to Their Royal Highnesses' room, which she filled with various things, causing confusion."