
The Independent Rundown, November 27

Must Reads

The day’s essential reads for independents and centrists.

1. “Democrats Must Step Up on Entitlement Reform for Fiscal Cliff Deal,” at The Daily Beast.Democrats must do their part and give on entitlement reform to reach a bipartisan deal and avoid the fiscal cliff, writes John Avlon.

2. “Harry Reid: Tie Debt Ceiling to Fiscal Cliff Deal,” at Politico.We’re going right over the edge if the debt ceiling isn’t raised, the top Democrat said on Tuesday.

3. “Mitch McConnell’s Five Biggest Whoppers On the Filibuster,” at The Washington Post.The Senate minority leader was raving mad, and spouting nonsense.

4.”Former Florida GOP Leaders Say Voter Suppression Was Reason They Pushed New Election Law,” at The Palm Beach Post.Republican insiders admit that a Florida voter law was designed to keep Democrats away from the polls.

5. “Idaho Lawmaker Shares ‘Last Chance’ Idea to Elect Romney,” at the Idaho Statesman.Independent Nation’s Wingnut of the Week award goes to this Idaho state senator who thinks that nearly a month after the election there’s still one last way to put Mitt Romney in the White House.

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