
Amanda Bynes Asks Drake to Murder Her Vagina and Other WTF Tweets


Come, take a tour through the Amanda Bynes Twitter Hall of Shame.

Chris Pizzello/AP,Chris Pizzello

The most interesting thing about Amanda Bynes—and there are many, many things competing for that superlative—is her Twitter account. She retired from acting through it: “I know 24 is a young age to retire but you heard it here first I’ve #retired.” (Her tweet minutes before: “I like black men I’m very attracted to them just fyi.”) She’s appealed to the president to get her out of a drunk driving charge. “Hey @BarackObama…I don’t drink. Please fire the cop who arrested me. I also don’t hit and run. The end.”


There was a dark period between September 2010 and November 2012 when the former Nickelodeon actress deleted her iconic Twitter account (flowers died; children wept; a brisk, ominous chill enveloped the land). Now it’s back, better, and as batshit as ever. Proof: a tweet Thursday night that quickly went viral in which Bynes invited a rapper to assassinate her hooha.

Yes, “I want @drake to murder my vagina.” Someone needs to get that in needlepoint on a throw pillow stat. Wonderfully, horrifyingly, hilariously, it’s only the latest of Bynes’s odd tweets. Here, a walk back through the Amanda Bynes Twitter Hall of Shame.

What is there to say about this that hasn’t already been said? (And a lot was said.)

Amanda Bynes, inventor of the phrase “laugh out loud out loud out loud.” *proud* indeed.

Xoxo, Human Brat Doll

Who is and what does that look like? This is important.


Amanda. Amaaaanda. AmANda. AmanDA. Amahhnda. Is it love yet?

Ugh, we’re having a total cheat day. (Sat down for three minutes earlier. Yes, so much shame…)

Yes, Amanda Bynes taking gymnastics does sound terrifying. Bwaha is right.


This was posted right after her invitation to Drake to commit homicide on her vagina. It could not have been a more brilliant follow up. Well played, Ms. Bynes. Well played.