For all his faults, few would dispute that Prince Charles has been a tirelss campaigner for the British countryside and farmers, and the Prince has now been presented with an award to recognise his support of the British livestock industry, the Royal Smithfield Club Bicentenary Trophy Award.

On presenting the trophy the Club’s President said the award was being given in recognition of Charles's work over many years to support for British livestock farmers and the British meat industry. During the many difficult times for the industry, The Prince has supported the British sheep industry by setting up the Mutton Renaissance and the Campaign for Wool. His Royal Highness has always supported organic enterprise and has inspired many livestock producers through the running of his own organic farm at Highgrove.
He was referred to by the committee as "an extraordinary ally" of the industry.
The Royal Smithfield Club Bicentenary Trophy Award was created to celebrate the bicentenary of the founding of the Smithfield Club in 1798. The award is awarded each year to a person or organisation deemed to have made a significant contribution to the UK livestock and meat industry.