
Israel Promises Universal Draft Bill By May

The News From Israel

"Our accumulated experience should teach us a lesson that is the opposite of 'A nation that will dwell alone and not reckon with the nations.'"--Haaretz Editorial today gives examples of the Holocaust’s lessons for Israeli diplomacy.

  • Settlers spray graffiti on Bethlehem-area mosques - Settlers also slashed the tires of two cars. Residents also said Israeli soldiers had guarded the settlers who participated in the vandalism. (Haaretz+ and Maan)
  • IDF soldier jailed for exposing buttocks to Palestinians in Hebron - Incident recalls similar event in 2008, also by members of the Kfir Brigade. (Haaretz+)
  • Court awards damages to Bedouin who lost arm to cluster bomb - Prosecutors argued the plaintiff should have bought survey maps, never mind that the Negev firing zone was not posted. Court disagreed. (Haaretz)
  • Rocket hits Shaar Hanegev on eve of Holocaust Day - Rocket explodes in open area; no injuries, damage reported. 'We're used to disruptions,' resident says. (Ynet)
  • For first time, Israeli to be appointed ambassador in Turkmenistan - In last four years, the government in Ashgabat has rejected two candidates out of suspicion that they are connected to the Mossad. (Maariv, p.1, NRG Hebrew)
  • Palestinian youth says kaddish for a Holocaust survivor? - New German film shows friendship that develops between a Palestinian immigrant youth and an elderly Jewish Holocaust survivor in film by director Leo Beck called "Kaddish for a friend." (NRG Hebrew + VIDEO)
  • Israeli government promises universal draft bill by May - Committee's mandate: To bring Arabs and Haredim into the military and workforce. (Haaretz+)
  • Australian Jewish group slammed for urging boycott of West Bank settlement goods - The Australian Jewish Democratic Society recently launched an online campaign, 'Don't Buy Settlement Products'; Jewish groups may vote to bar it from leading body of Australian Jewish organizations. (Haaretz+)

For the full News from Israel.

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