

A sad farewell

This week will be my last with the Daily Beast. I'll be blogging here today, and there's one more feature to run, but after that, well, that's all she wrote . . . at least for Newsweek and the Daily Beast.

It's been an amazing year with some fantastic editors and a lot of great stories to cover, but this summer, I'll be moving on to Bloomberg View, where I'll be blogging about . . . economics, business and public policy, with a little bit of cooking thrown in. I'm excited to join the great team over at Bloomberg, but obviously very sad to be leaving this one. I've worked with some amazing people, from our fearless leader Tina Brown, to magazine editors Tunku Varadarajan and Justine Rosenthal, and my own editors Damon Linker and Sarah Blustain. Then of course there are my amazing colleagues like Eli Lake, Mike Tomasky, David Frum, Michael Moynihan, Daniel Gross and so many others that I can't fit them all in one post.

I've also had the honor of one of the last Newsweek cover stories, and written some pieces I couldn't have done anywhere else, like our 5,000 word feature on the problems with later marriage. I'm so grateful to Tina Brown and the rest of the team at Newsweek for giving me the opportunity, to my editors who made my pieces better and better, and all the people I've learned so much from. And to all of you guys, who make this blog possible, and enjoyable.

In the interim you can find me at my personal website, I'll be blogging there while doing the final edits on my book, The Up Side of Down (forthcoming from Viking in February! Makes a wonderful gift! A fabulous doorstop! Excellent for checking erosion in gullies!) Then in mid-July, I'll be starting at Bloomberg. I hope to see you there.

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