
The Week’s Best Longreads for August 17, 2013


The Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week. By David Sessions.


Meet the Dread Pirate RobertsAndy Greenberg, Forbes

The man behind the booming black market website Silk Road.

The Bullshit PoliceMichael Moynihan, Newsweek

Inside a brilliant, nerdy, and sort of insufferable movement that questions everything—and wants to upend the way you live and think.

Murder by CraiglistHanna Rosin, The Atlantic

A serial killer finds a newly vulnerable class of victims: white, working-class men.

The New German QuestionTimothy Garton Ash, The New York Review of Books

Europe’s currency union was rushed into being to constrain Germany and keep France in the driver’s seat. But economic crisis swapped their roles. The trouble is, Germany has no interest in taking control.

The City That Always SucksRay Lemoine and John Liam Policastro, Vocativ

Boston and the embarrassing legacy of Whitey Bulger.

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