
Karl Lagerfeld Charged With Defamation; Naomi Campbell Calls Out Victoria Beckham

Fashion Cheat Sheet

and Harry Styles auctions off unwashed Burberry tee.

Benoit Tessier/Reuters

Karl Lagerfeld Charged With Defamation: French women’s group Belle, Ronde, Sexy, et Je M’assume—which translates to "Beautiful, Rounded, Sexy, and Ok With It"—has filed a defamation claim against Chanel creative director Karl Lagerfeld over a series of derogatory comments aimed at "curvy women." The suit relates to statements Lagerfeld made on an episode of Le Grand 8 on October 4, claiming that social security issues are caused by “all the diseases caught by people who are too fat,” before emphasizing his opinion that “no one wants to see curvy women on the runway.” The group has demanded “a right to respond and confront” Lagerfeld over the offensive comments. "Many young girls are insecure and hearing such comments is terrible for them," Betty Aubriere, Belle, Ronde, Sexy, et Je M'assume's president said. "Today it's him who insults us and tomorrow who will it be?" [Vogue UK]

Naomi Campbell Calls Out Victoria Beckham: Supermodel Naomi Campbell won’t let her friend Victoria Beckham off the hook. Beckham is one of the many designers the advocacy group Diversity Coalition condemned for a lack of diversity on her runway in an open letter in September. The Coalition, which is spearheaded by Campbell, Iman, and model advocate Bethann Hardison, is calling for more faces of color in high fashion shows. Campbell reportedly took her mission for increased diversity a step further, calling Beckham on the phone to discuss the matter personally. Campbell told The Daily Mirror that her intent wasn’t to play the “blame game," noting that Beckham was just one of many designers the coalition accused of wrongdoing. [NY Post]

Harry Styles Auctions Off Unwashed Burberry Tee: One Direction fans across the world are being offered the opportunity to purchase a shirt that has been worn by teen heartthrob Harry Styles. The leopard-print Burberry t-shirt that Styles wore to the brand’s Spring/Summer 2014 fashion show is going up for auction on November 13 on, with proceeds going to UNICEF. [The Telegraph]

Ralph Lauren Outfits Team USA in All-American Apparel: On Tuesday, Ralph Lauren unveiled his uniform designs for Team USA to wear during the Sochi Winter Olympics, boasting that every single item was made in the United States. Lauren's show of fashion patriotism is likely a response to the scandal his designs caused during the 2012 Olympic Games in London, when it was revealed that many of the American athletes’s uniforms were actually made in China. The brand has since moved its uniform production to the U.S.—for the Sochi games alone, Lauren used more than 40 American vendors. [Jezebel]

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