Still hungry after all that Halloween candy? You’re in luck. Frito-Lay is introducing a new chocolate-covered potato chip to make sure you never lose your sugar haze. Yes, you heard that correctly. Just when you’d kind of convinced yourself that chips count as a healthy snack—potatoes are technically vegetables, right?—Lay’s took it to a whole new level and doused them in milk chocolate. But this invention isn’t entirely out of the blue; the fast food industry has increasingly embraced crazy combinations in an effort to make headlines by creating the most calorific concoctions possible. In a multi-billion dollar industry, weird and wonderful flavors help junk food chains stand out—much like the their customers’ stomachs.

If a chocolate-potato chip combo doesn’t make your taste buds tingle, maybe one of these crazy creations will. And hey, who doesn’t need an extra layer of fat to keep them warm during the winter?
Potato Chips Dipped in Milk Chocolate, Frito-Lay
Salted Caramel was so last year. The new salty-sweet mishmash is Frito-Lay’s milk chocolate-dipped potato chips, due to come out in a “trial run” in the U.S. next week. A 140-gram bag will cost you $3.49 and will be sold exclusively at Target, where you conveniently can also buy clothes to replace the ones you quickly out grow.
Donut Burger, Slater’s 50/50
Burgers and donuts are two of America’s most beloved fatty foods. But only Slater’s 50/50 had the guts to combine the pair and serve the resulting sandwich for breakfast. Behold the Donut Burger, “the 50/50 patty topped with American cheese and a sunny side up egg sandwiched between two glazed donuts.” And if that’s not heart attack-inducing enough for you, there’s always the option of adding strawberry jelly.
Even Sluttier Slutty Brownies,
Just when you thought these babies couldn’t get any more self-indulgent, took them one step further. Merely “slutty brownies” combine chocolate brownie, chocolate chip cookies ,and Oreos to make an insanely divine treat (Yes, I have tried them and have no regrets). These bad boys add in a dangerously decadent layer of caramel to create the so-called “Even Sluttier Slutty Brownies.”
Peanut Butter & Bacon Shake, Sonic
Fast food drive-in chain, Sonic, has kindly brought Elvis Presley’s favorite pairing into the twenty-first century with its peanut butter and bacon shake. The smallest size contains 700 calories and 120% of your suggested daily saturated fat intake, while the largest weighs in at a whopping 1,720 calories, boasting 55 grams of saturated fat—275% of the recommended daily value. Err…yum?
Choco Taco, Taco Bell
So popular they’ve inspired an online petition to being them back, Choco Tacos first appeared in 1984 and were only stocked at a few “magical Taco Bells” across the country. They have remained as popular as one would expect for a taco-shaped sugar cone shell containing reduced-fat (gotta watch the waistline after all) vanilla ice cream, artificially-flavored fudge, peanuts, and a milk chocolate coating. If you can’t imagine living your life without trying one, you can craft your own.
Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger, Philadelphia Burger Bar
What is this obsession with making burgers sweet? Philadelphia Burger Bar is renowned for its crazy “Burger of the Week” offering. One past invention, the Bacon-Shell Burger Taco, even got a shout-out on Saturday Night Live. But one of their concoctions just takes it way too far. Prepare yourselves for… the Deep-Fried Twinkie Burger. With buns of funnel cake-battered Twinkies and a patty of pork belly and beef topped with American cheese and applewood smoked bacon, this monster is just irresponsible.
Deep Fried Crème Eggs
One wonders who really thought Crème Eggs needed even more fat than what is already in the ridiculously sweet fondant-filled chocolate egg shell. This outrageous move just proves the fast food mantra: when in doubt, deep-fry it. (To make your own deep fried Crème Eggs, use this recipe)
Cannoli Pizza
So you’re hungry for pizza and dessert? No need to choose…just have a Cannoli Pizza. With a puff-pastry crust and ricotta-based sauce topped with chopped pistachios, mini chocolate chips, and honey, this should satisfy all of your cravings. As the recipe says, “there’s always room for dessert pizza!”
Kit Kat Doughballs, Pizza Hut Middle East
But what to eat while you’re waiting for your “Pizzoli” to finish cooking? Pizza Hut Middle East hopes to keep your stomach from rumbling with “Kit Kat Pops”, aka Kit Kat candy bars wrapped in pizza dough. Unfortunately (or should that be fortunately?), these bite-sized pieces of chocolate-y goodness aren’t available in the U.S. yet. I guess we’ll have to settle for some ordinary, chocolate-covered potato chips instead. Too bad.