Pippa Middleton has revealed that she had a teenage crush on English rugby player Will Carling, who once dated Princess Diana, in her latest column for Vanity Fair, which is about rugby, the British answer to American football (as we call football).

In her article, Middleton says that she used to "pine" after the now 48-year-old Carling.
"We'd plan our weekends around the big matches," she says of her family's enthusiasm for the game.
"If we lost, my dad would be in a state of despair for the rest of the afternoon, as if he'd actually lost the game himself. I, meanwhile, would merely be pining after the likes of Will Carling or Jonny Wilkinson, the heroes when I was a teenager."
Middleton also says in her piece that she, like the rest of her family, is "fiercely competitive."
Who knew?