
Harry Drank Champagne From Prosthetic Leg In South Pole Celebrations

Plus, He Shaved

Prince Harry celebrated reaching the South Pole with a "two-day bender" and the teams took turns drinking champagne out of one of his fellow trekkers prosthetic leg as part of their celebrations, the actor Dominic West said today at a high-spirited press conference to mark the success of the mission.

Mr. West was appearing with Prince Harry at a press conference about the Walking With The Wounded expedition which saw a group of wounded veterans trek through freezing temperatures and hostile conditions to the South Pole.

The only bad news? Prince Harry had shaved.

Yup, the beard is officially no more.

Prince Harry joked that the British team had won, but decided to 'hand the trophy back' although in fact the race element of the walk was abandoned due to the terrible conditions which risked injury.

Mr West told reporters that Harry developed a reputation for building complex latrines.


He said: "He would often reach the meeting point before the rest of his men and would build these incredibly lavish, castellated latrines, with battlements and loo roll holders. It must have taken him 40 minutes at least to build, they were just fabulous. I would often sit on the latrine thinking, 'This is a royal flush in every way!'"

Mr. West also revealed that two members of the Australian team stripped naked and ran around the point that marks the South Pole when they arrived, but said the rest of them just "went on a two-day bender."

Mr. West added, "We all drank champagne out of Duncan Slater's favourite prosthetic legs."

Sgt Duncan Slater, who lost both legs in Afghanistan in 2009, confirmed the unlikely story and described using one of his legs as an ice bucket for the champagne the team drank to celebrate.

He said: "We pulled back from the Pole about 20km to wait for our flight and someone produced some champagne. I used my legs as a primitive ice bucket and wedged the champagne bottle in there and passed them around."

He said the Prince had been "absolutely brilliant", adding: "If we had a bit of spare time it would always be, right, we're going to have a game of cricket, or we're going to make a latrine but it's going to be like a castle, and it would always be him that was instigating it. He just fitted right in."

West, who was part of Team Commonwealth, said the Prince also told “eye-wateringly rude jokes, which for a non-soldier like me was quite shocking”.