
When Politicos Attack: Six Biggest On-Camera Blow-Ups

Mad As Hell

Rep. Michael Grimm went off on a reporter last night, but he’s certainly not the first politician to explode while the camera was on, and a quick review of the worst offenders makes the New York congressman look downright tame.

Following last night’s State of the Union address, Republican Congressman Michael Grimm lost his cool with a reporter threatening, “I’ll throw you off this f—-king balcony” and further promising to break him in half “like a boy.” The New York Rep. apparently did not want to discuss an ongoing investigation into his campaign finances, telling New York 1 reporter Michael Scotto, “No, no. You’re not man enough, you’re not man enough.”

Grimm is certainly not the first public figure to lose it on camera and in a review of past politicians popping their tops, his quiet threats start to look fairly tame. Take a look. If you’re man enough.

Carl Paladino

In 2010, then New York Republican gubernatorial nominee Carl Paladino was filmed threatening New York Post reporter Fred Dicker after Dicker questioned Paladino’s unsubstantiated allegation that his Democratic rival Andrew Cuomo had an extramarital affair. Paladino accuses Dicker of sending “goons” to his own daughter’s house and offers to take him out, “buddy.” How? Dicker wants to know. “Watch!”

Rick Santorum

Jeff Zeleny from the New York Times caught an earful from Rick Santorum in 2012 when Zeleny distorted comments Santorum had made about Mitt Romney in a speech earlier that day. Santorum calls Zeleny out on his “bullshit.” And well, he’s not sorry. Later Santorum claimed you’re just not a real Republican until you’ve cursed out a Times reporter.

Chris Christie

Sometimes, the victim is a simple passerby. While on vacation with his family in Seaside Heights, N.J. in 2012, Governor Chris Christie lost his temper when a passing civilian made comment on his education policies. Christie did not appreciate the man “shooting his mouth off” and thinking himself such a “real big shot.”

Mike Bost

If you really want to see someone just completely go berserk, this one’s for you. When Indiana House speaker Michael Madigan introduced a massive bill in regards to pension reform just minutes before a vote on it on the House floor, Illinois State Representative Mike Bost did not like it one bit. As he shouts, “I feel like somebody trying to be released from Egypt. Let my people go!,” you can’t help but be a little inspired by this frenzied maniac.

Charles Bishop

Sometimes when tensions run high, even our esteemed elders show a certain lack of maturity. In 2007, things got hot in the Alabama Senate when 69 year-old Republican Senator Charles Bishop punched Democratic Senator Lowell Barron (age 65) right in the cheek. Bishop later stated he responded to Barron’s name-calling “with my right hand”. Barron had called him a “son of a bitch” and where Bishop’s from (Arkansas) “that’s somebody talkin’ bad about your mother.”

Carty Finkbeiner

Once in a while, a mayor has to yell at some kids and possibly comment on their weight. In 2009 Toledo, Ohio Mayor Carty Finkbeiner was caught on camera breaking up a fight in a city park, imploring one adolescent to “come here, fatso” and further directing the teen, “Tubby, get your butt out of here.”

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