
He's Back! Glenn Beck Says Obama Will Throw Opponents in Internment Camps


Two weeks after apologizing for tearing the nation apart, Glenn Beck is calling Obama a dictator and claiming abortion opponents will be sent to internment camps.

It’s only been two weeks since Glenn Beck made a seemingly-heartfelt (though, albeit delayed and pretty pointless) apology for his role in “helping tear the country apart,” but he’s already back to pushing alarmist theories and baseless warnings. Beck just couldn’t resist jumping on Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s comments at the University of Hawaii that it is entirely possible that in another time of war the Supreme Court might allow the U.S. government to set up internment camps, like those used for Japanese immigrants during World War II. On his internet radio show on The Blaze, Beck took Scalia’s comments completely out of context to suggest that, because President Obama did not act like Jesus when he was first elected and unite the country—the “biggest missed opportunity in all of world history—those who disagree with him on issues such as global warming, Obamacare, or abortion rights are bound to be thrown into internment camps.

Beck’s internment camp caution was not his first infraction against his own promise to be less divisive in the last two weeks. In fact, he’s pretty much carried on with fear mongering as usual since that apparently insignificant interview with Megyn Kelly. At a Texas GOP event earlier this week, Beck chided the Republican party for not taking harsher action and appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the Benghazi scandal, the IRS, and just President Obama himself because “he looked at the American people and lied,” about Obamacare. In the same speech, Beck compared Washington, D.C. to Chernobyl—because our political system is “toxic,” get it?—and suggested Congress solve its problems the same way the Ukraine handled the catastrophic nuclear disaster back in 1986. “You, you go in. You open the door. Then you get out...You make sure the document is still there. Then you get out,” he said. “That’s what it should be. We are dealing with Chernobyl. It’s a meltdown of our system.”

The week prior (also the week after his apology) was a busy one for Beck. First, he defended venture capitalist Tom Perkins against criticism for his argument, published in a Wall Street Journal letter to the editor, that the “progressive war on the American one percent” is the modern-day equivalent of the Nazis’ condemnation of Jews during the Holocaust. Beck argued that Perkins’ subsequent apology in the face of major scrutiny was proof that “We are Germany 1930. You can deny it all you want,” he said. “But the socialist revolution is here.”

After declaring the start of the socialist revolution, Beck tackled some lighter news: the Grammys. Shockingly, it was not the mass gay-and-straight wedding that sent some of his peers into a tailspin that bothered Beck. It was Katy Perry’s performance of her song “Dark Horse,” that really upset him. Beck called Perry’s presentation “full-fledged witchcraft and demonic glorification.”

Then of course, there was the State of the Union address, about which we would have been fools to think Beck wouldn’t have had something to say. And true to form, Beck held nothing back, deeming Obama’s annual speech “the State of the Union where our president declared he would become America’s first dictator.” To be sure, Obama’s “continual pronouncements that he fully intends to trash the constitution of the United States,” were only the worst parts of the address. “The speech was horrific from start to finish.”

The cherry on the sundae of Beck’s almost immediate relapse into antagonism was his almost too predictable and perfectly hypocritical reaction to the Coca-Cola commercial watched round the world. The ad, Beck argued on his radio show, was an “in your face” attempt to “divide us politically.” Coke’s message, Beck said, was “if you don’t like it, if you’re offended by it, then you’re a racist. If you do like it, then you’re for immigration, you’re for progress. That’s all this is, is to divide people.” If anyone knows divisive rhetoric when they see it, it’s Glenn Beck.

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