
Erin Andrews Joins ‘DWTS’; Marion Cotillard is Lady Macbeth

Culture Cheat Sheet

And Dan Aykroyd mourns the death of Harold Ramis.

Kevin C. Cox/Getty

Good afternoon, here's today's entertainment news:

Dan Aykroyd reacts to Harold Ramis’s death. Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters 2 co-star and co-writer Dan Aykroyd is “deeply saddened” over the loss of his good friend, Harold Ramis. Entertainment Weekly


Erin Andrews joins DWTS. Brooke Burke is being replaced by Erin Andrews as the show’s new co-host. Talk about an unexpected elimination. The Washington Post

Justin Bieber releases first song since run-ins with the law. “Broken” is the first song the Canadian troublemaker unleashed. Wonder what the title’s referring to. The Hollywood Reporter

Heroes to return as miniseries. It’s coming back. New storylines, too. CNN

Marion Cotillard cast as Lady Macbeth. As though Michael Fassbender wasn’t already enough of an awesome casting choice. Variety