
GOP Donor’s Obamacare Nazi Parody

Godwin's Law

Foster Friess, a major Republican donor, sent out a "humorous parody" video on Monday of Hitler complaining about Obamacare.

Eric Gay / AP Photo

What could go wrong sending out a "humorous parody" of Adolf Hitler complaining about his Obamacare?

The idea certainly didn't raise any red flags for Foster Friess, the conservative billionaire and Rick Santorum backer in 2012 who sent a "Humorous Parody of Hitler Realizing He Can’t Keep His Doctor Under ObamaCare" to his email list on Monday afternoon.

The video, features a clip from the 2004 German movie "Downfall" of Hitler realizing that all was lost while his Berlin bunker. However, the subtitles have been changed to show the genocidal German dictator complaining that he was being forced to see a Jewish doctor, Dr. Feingold, for his prostate screening instead of Dr Steiner under Obamacare. Hitler then rages that he was told that if he liked his plan, he could keep it. The video ends with Hitler noting that "Obama now has a growing integrity gap. His poll numbers are plummeting." It ends with the Nazi leader mournfully noting "there's no way we can pin this one on Bush."

This isn't Friess's first brush with controversy. The conservative donor famously said on live television in 2012 that "You know, back in my days, they'd use Bayer aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees, and it wasn't that costly."

With gaffes like these, it just may be that Friess's political talents are better suited to simply writing checks than to writing emails as well.

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