
The Daily Beast’s Best Longreads, April 26, 2014


From the rise of the sharing economy to the Microsoft-AOL chat wars, the Daily Beast picks the best journalism from around the web this week.

The Daily Beast

What We Left BehindDexter Filkins, The New YorkerAn increasingly authoritarian leader, a return of sectarian violence, and a nation worried for its future.

Trust MeJason Tanz, WiredHow Airbnb and Lyft finally got Americans to share.

Earthquakes and the Texas MiracleBrantley Hargrove, D MagazineOceans of oil and gas are filling state coffers and shaking the Dallas area.

Should a Chimp Be Able to Sue Its Owner?Charles Siebert, The New York Times MagazineSteven Wise is arguing for the legal “personhood” of chimps and other animals. And no one is laughing him out of the courtroom.

Chat WarsDavid Auerbach, n+1Inside the late ’90s chat wars between Microsoft and AOL, from the perspective of a former Microsoft programmer.

How Burrowing Owls Lead to Vomiting AnarchistsKim-Mai Cutler, TechCrunchA complete history of San Francisco’s housing crisis.

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