World Cup Fan-Turned-Model Already Dropped From L’Oreal: When 17-year-old Belgian fan Axelle Despiegelaere appeared on the Jumbotron at the World Cup, cosmetics company L’Oreal jumped on the chance to sign her as its newest model. It was a Cinderella story, being discovered at a sporting event. But, after Despiegelaere posted a photo next to a hunted gazelle to her professional Facebook page, her contract was abruptly ended. A representative for the company would not comment on whether or not the photo played a part in the termination of her short-lived contract, but L’Oreal has always been vocal about its stance towards animal-free testing policies. [Fashionista]
Forever21 Fired Chrissy Teigan For Being "Fat": Chrissy Teigen may be a women desired by many, but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t experienced her fair share of harsh criticism. Affordable retailer Forever 21, for example, fired the 28-year-old model mid-way through her photo shoot. “They booked me directly when I was much younger. I showed up on set and they asked me if they could take a photo and they shoot that photo off to my agency who calls me as I’m sitting in the makeup chair and [my agency says] ‘You need to leave right now. They just said that you are fat and you need to get your measurements taken,’” the Sports Illustrated covergirl told DuJour. “And I hate you Forever 21. I hate you so much. Honestly, you’re the worst.” [Racked]
Wearing Red Makes Women Appear Threatening: According to a new study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, women who wear red are perceived as sexually threatening to other women. The study, which had women compare images of other females wearing red, white, or green, showed those dressed in red were rated higher in sexuality, more likely to be less faithful, and more threatening to the viewers own relationship with their partner. [New York Magazine]