
The Stoner’s Guide to the Internet

App Store

Want weed delivered to your door? New smoker who needs basic advice? Want to post pics of your beautiful buds? Increasingly, there’s an app for that.

The Daily Beast

Eaze, a company calling itself the “Uber of pot,” is the newest player in the green rush’s ploy to take over all things Internet. From a Yelp for weed to an Instagram for bud, marijuana is going … where every successful digital business has gone before.

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, this is high praise.

Eaze (Uber for pot)

Eaze is as easy as it sounds. Launched in San Francisco last week, the company is one of the first tech-powered marijuana delivery services aimed at improving the speed and convenience with which medical marijuana patients can get their medicine. After Eaze made headlines this week as the “first pot delivery company,” another similar company “Grassp,” came out to say that it was, in fact, the first. But if Uber can maintain a healthy competition with its competitor Lyft, then … oh wait.

Leafly (Yelp for weed)

The world’s largest cannabis information community, Leafly stands on the shoulders of the weed world’s foodies (read: potheads). In mere seconds you can be sifting through the 800 strands of marijuana based on categories like effect, flavor, and medical use. Need reviews of a dispensary instead? An edible? A concentrate? There are millions of them—the funniest of which earn a spot in the Leafly Review Hall of Fame. “This is like somewhere,” wrote one contender of the $100 OG strain. “Two word … rice balls,” another says about a strain called Blue Dream.

WeedMaps (Google for marijuana)

Founded in 2008, Weedmaps is leading the pack in the digital world of weed. The site, which receives millions of unique visitors each month, is said to be worth $18 million. An interactive on its homepage allows you to search for dispensaries by region and rating. A vast database of doctors points you to the nearest licenser in your area. A scientifically-based inventory of strands tells you which cannabinoid will reduce your blood sugar levels. A Groupon-like deal section gives the chance to buy brownies for sale near you.

Massroots (Instagram for bud)

Gone are the days of uploading smoke shots to Instagram. Dubbed the “official social networking site for the stoner community,” Massroots combines GIFs, Instagrams, and Twitpics into one sleek app where stoners can compete for the most buzz-cred from their stoner peers. In its strict terms of service, Massroots offers a long list of rules for posting. “Our mission is not to collect your data, but to unite common-minded people in one network: the MassRoots Network,” the terms read. With almost 50,000 followers on Twitter already, it’s a bright light.

Encycloweedia (Wikipedia for cannabis)

The Dallas founder behind the world’s first pot dictionary has lovingly nicknamed his creation Pot Smoking for Dummies. And that’s pretty much what it is. From thorough explainers of how the strand L.A. Confidential tastes to easy recipes for medical marijuana patients, it is singlehandedly putting the “can” in cannabis. But be careful not to rely too closely on the information it offers—in the app’s “about” section it relieves itself of responsibility for “the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information disclosed.”

iRollup Friends (Words with Friends for joint-rolling)

When Apple shut down the weed version of The Sims just weeks after it became the #1 app in America, it left room for the next-best weed game to take the jackpot. For better or worse, iRollup Friends seems to be the contender. Using a multi-touch accelerometer, the game allows you to race your friends to see who can roll the best joint in the shortest amount of time. If it doesn’t sound enticing, that’s because it isn’t. Where’s Candy Crush for weed when you need it?

Stonersingles (Match for stoners)

If shopping, cooking, eating, buying, and photographing marijuana still leaves you hungry for weed culture, you’re probably a perfect candidate for The 420-friendly site, “built by stoners for stoners,” allows you to mingle and jingle with—well, you get it. Those who’ve long been dreaming of one more dance with Mary Jane, dream no more.

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