
Malaysia’s Nisha Ayub Was Thrown in Prison For Being Transgender

How a harrowing experience made Nisha Ayub into an advocate for transgender rights in her homeland.

Quorum is a live journalism forum focused on LGBT experiences around the world. Its mission is to lift up the voices of non-Western LGBT activists defining the struggle for justice. Visit for more stories of persecution, triumph, adversity, and strength.

Nisha Ayub has always been determined to be herself, no matter the consequences.

At The Daily Beast’s first installment of Quorum: Global LGBT Voices last December, Ayub shared the harrowing tale of being imprisoned for three months. Her crime? Being transgender.

“As soon as I came out of prison, I told myself I need to do something about this,” she explained. “I do not want anything to happen to other trans people of what I’ve gone through.”

Ayub is currently a program manager at Pink Triangle Foundation of Malaysia where she and others worked to overturn laws that fine and imprison transgender Malaysians

“You can cut my hair, you can strip me naked, and you can take my dignity away from me, you can even kill me, but you cannot take away my identity as a transgender person.”

Watch as she shares her powerful story with the Quorum audience.

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