If this is true, J.J. Abrams is about to go straight-up Boba Fett on someone’s ass.
As you already know, the Super 8 and Star Trek filmmaker keeps his sets very tight-lipped and the material a big surprise. Plot points of Abrams’s films are barely revealed to the public until opening day, and his actors are banned from speaking about their characters. Sometimes it creates an aura of curiosity around a mystery project, like the sci-fi drama Super 8. Other times it’s backfired, e.g. the decision to withhold the fact that Benedict Cumberbatch was playing a new incarnation of the beloved villain Khan in the sequel Star Trek Into Darkness.
With the exception of a brief, vague, and kickass teaser, as well as some set photos leaked by Abrams himself, precious little information has been revealed concerning his upcoming uber-blockbuster sequel Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the seventh installment in George Lucas’s Star Wars franchise.
Fortunately for info-hungry fanboys, the blog Making Star Wars has been leading the charge when it comes to (alleged) leaks from the set.
Last week, Making Star Wars ran a report from an extra describing a scene in the film he appeared in with original cast members Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, as well as newcomer Daisy Ridley, who is heavily rumored to be playing Han Solo’s daughter. The alleged scene took place in “a hideout for pirates, criminals, and empire hunters,” and featured “pilots, some human, some alien.” The extra made it sound a lot like Mos Eisley Cantina.

Now, a more explosive report comes from Making Star Wars. The blog is claiming that a “most trusted source and friend” with “documents proving” it said that, in a sequence in the film shot at famed Pinewood Studios, Han Solo (Ford) is hiding in the ramparts of The Evil Castle when he confronts Kylo Ren, rumored to be the main villain in The Force Awakens played by Girls star Adam Driver. There, Kylo Ren kills Han Solo before fleeing the scene, while the rest of Han Solo’s crew—Chewbacca, BB-8, and the rest—retreat to the Millennium Falcon. “Han Solo is never in a scene after this. Those are the facts,” according to the source.
In an interesting twist, while filming The Empire Strikes Back, Ford begged Lucas to kill him off—this according to Lucas.
“Harrison kept yelling through the whole thing, ‘Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!’” Lucas recalled.
“I said, ‘Harrison, I can’t kill you. I need you at the end of the next movie. There’s this love thing going on. But I’ll do the next best thing. I’ll put you in a slab of concrete and ship you off to Mars.’”
It seems Ford may have finally gotten his wish.