
Meet the ‘Hookers for Hillary’: Why Prostitutes Want Hillary Clinton for President


Nevada’s infamous brothel Moonlite Bunny Ranch has launched a campaign dubbed “Hookers For Hillary.” Here, the working women explain why they’re Team Hillary 2016.

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“Everyday Americans need a champion,” Hillary Clinton proclaimed in her YouTube video. “And I want to be that champion.”

Yes, few were surprised when Hilary Clinton announced her campaign for the 2016 U.S. presidential race, but many were surprised by some of her early supporters. Since that announcement, the lovable ladies of Nevada’s renowned Moonlite Bunny Ranch have come out in support of our former first lady in a serious, potentially large-scale campaign called “Hookers for Hillary.” These Everyday Americans have chosen their candidate.

When Hillary Clinton kicked off her campaign to win the hearts and minds of Americans everywhere, she started, as most do, in the heartland. It was during a recent trip to Iowa where she met with a small group of concerned business owners—people who questioned the future of America’s health-care policy and wanted to know how she proposed to fix it.

After hearing the concerns and challenges these Iowans faced, particularly in regards to health care, Clinton said she’d consider having insurance companies compete across state lines. “If we’re going to have a free market system, we need a free market where we’ve got people competing on cost and quality, and that may be one thing we need to look at,” Clinton said. And the Hookers for Hillary couldn’t agree more. In fact, their website boasts a four-point platform outlining their endorsement, and protecting health-care reform is at the top.

“This is the first time ever that over 500 independent contractors, or as you call it legalized prostitutes, were able to get health care and that's because of the Affordable Care Act,” says Krissy Summers, a prostitute and Hookers for Hillary supporter. “Whether someone agrees with legal prostitution or not it’s not right to take health care away from us. We pay into taxes too.”

Bunny Ranch owner Dennis Hof agrees. “With Obamacare the girls were able to buy good health insurance and without it they weren’t able to. Since Day One when I bought the brothel in 1992 no legal prostitute could get health insurance,” says Hof.

According to the National Task Force on Prostitution, it’s estimated that well over 1 million people in the U.S. have worked as prostitutes—or roughly 1 percent of American women. If this campaign is a success, that could translate into some serious voting power.

“A lot of people are going to look at this and say it’s a publicity stunt, but it’s more than a publicity stunt. When you can get publicity and do the right thing then you’ve got a winner. And we’ve got a winner here,” says Hof. “You’re going to see crazy things. They’re going to show up at rallies in bikinis. Bunnies for Hillary. They’re going to push the issue and stir it up because when you stir it up you get people thinking and looking at it.”

According to one of the “bunnies,” Air Force Amy, just stirring up a conversation would make the campaign a success. “It gets people talking about it at local hometown levels,” says Amy. “There were one thousand comments within 36 hours on the TMZ post. Of course there is a lot of prostitution-bashing and a lot of pro and con Hillary comments, but it gets the word out and gets people talking about it.”

Regardless of your stance on Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid, “Hookers for Hillary” has a certain ring to it and it’s getting the media’s attention. With that kind of endorsement the conversations promise to be lively. Just take a look at why these ladies support Clinton’s foreign policy, according to their website HookersforHillary.com: “The Bunny Ranch entertains customers from all around the globe, and the girls have great respect for any woman who can take powerful men from oppressive cultures and make them bend to her will.”

As Air Force Amy says, “I really think it’s the woman behind the man that makes the man, so let’s cut out the middle man and get a woman in office!”

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