U.S. News

Buy a Confederate Flag From a Black Guy

Heritage Not Hate

‘If the Confederate Flag was a symbol of racism, could you buy one from a black guy?’

via Youtube

There’s been controversy and even tears of rage as the U.S. has moved to abandon what many recognize as a symbol of hatred and division in our culture. As the Confederate flag is removed from statehouses and stores, there are those who continue to rally behind it, from the possibly misguided to the blatantly disgusting.

Almost every major retailer has discontinued distribution of the flag, leaving many of the “heritage not hate” set to wonder just where they’ll be able to procure the symbolic badge of their evolutionary status. Luckily, now there’s an answer: They can get one from a black man.

A new webstore, buyconfederateflagsfromablackman.com, offers to take some of the guilt out of flying your colors by giving you good ol’ boys and girls the chance to shoot down that pesky racism argument right out of the gate—by supporting a black-owned business. It’s like having a “best friend who’s black,” only better, because they don’t have to actually risk ruining their image by being friends with someone outside their racially pure bloodline. Oh, you’re worried that shelling out some of your hard-earned cash to a black fella is going to support the liberal oppressors? Just check out proprietor AJ Hall’s Twitter feed and ease your mind.

Sure, at $69.99 their flags are a little steep, but who can put a price on heritage and peace of mind? Here’s to making America great again.

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