On Monday morning, Future U.S.A. President Donald J. Trump gave his 4.2 million Twitter followers further permission to antagonize him.
The hashtag #AskTrump quickly began trending worldwide, almost as quickly as it took trolls—including journalist trolls, like yours truly—to start pinging him with nonsense questions. Some asked about British Prime Minister David Cameron and the dead-pig-sex-act allegation he is facing. Some asked about the deficit. Some asked if they could “do sex to your wig.” (For the record, Trump has gone to great lengths in his attempts to dispel rumors that he wears a hairpiece.)
Much in the same way that #SelfiesWithRand resulted in a Niagara of tweeted genitalia, one-off campaign hashtags are practically built for hijacking.
So we decided to have a go. Here are our burning #AskTrump questions. We asked him about everything from dictatorships to Sesame Street.
As of press time, Trump has not blocked @thedailybeast, and since he’s on Twitter so often, we hope he saw at least a few of our queries. (Though a recent Mother Jones investigation revealed that roughly 3 percent of The Donald’s tweets actually come from his own fingers, so perhaps not as often as we might assume or wish.)
Anyway, The Donald has yet to respond to our tweeted requests for comment. Enjoy your afternoon, and also this perfect Trump-brand tweet regarding the pressing national security issues of our time: