
Billy Crystal Is Not Amused By Ted Cruz’s ‘Creepy’ ‘Princess Bride’ Impression


Billy Crystal finally weighs in on that annoying impression Ted Cruz has been doing of his Princess Bride character all over the campaign trail.

As James Corden pointed out in his Late Late Show monologue last night, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz is the only “truly funny” presidential candidate. “If you are a true comedy connoisseur, this guy brings the laugh every time,” he said, before showing a clip of The Simpsons impressions Cruz performed for BuzzFeed this year.

“Sorry, did you just watch an episode of The Simpsons? Was that the wrong clip?” Corden asked. “Oh, that was actually Ted Cruz. Wow, he’s good, isn’t he?”

Corden compared Cruz to “that guy at your office who’s just endlessly quoting movies and TV shows,” saying things like “My wife” and “Do I make you horny, baby?”

More than any other comedy bit, Cruz loves re-enacting the Miracle Max scene from The Princess Bride, including Billy Crystal’s iconic line about the “mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich where the mutton is real lean,” (or “salad” as he has said mistakenly on occasion) at length during numerous campaign stops.

“Can you imagine what Billy Crystal thinks when he sees that?” Corden wondered, as the legendary comedian himself walked out from backstage.

“First time I saw it I went, ‘Oh, that’s very funny,’” Crystal said. “Second time I saw it, I thought, shouldn’t he be doing something else, like voting in the Senate? And the third time, I went, ‘Just stop!’” At least it shows Cruz “has good taste” in movies, he added, but it's still “a little creepy.”

Asked by Corden what he would like to say to Cruz, Crystal waved his hand and said, “Have fun storming the White House!” And does he think Cruz has a chance of actually becoming president? “It would take a miracle,” he said.