
Sarah Silverman’s Adolf Hitler Rejects Trump Comparisons on ‘Conan’


A lot of people have been comparing The Donald to Der Fuhrer recently, so the German dictator stopped by Conan O’Brien’s show Thursday night to clear things up.


This was the week it became utterly acceptable to compare Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler. After comedian Louis CK drew the parallel last weekend, it even ended up on the front page of the New York Daily News:

“It doesn’t get much worse than ‘Trump Is Hitler,’” Conan O’Brien remarked Thursday night. So he felt it was only right to let Adolf Hitler come on his show to defend himself in the face of such shocking allegations.

Out walked Sarah Silverman in full Nazi attire to a wild ovation from the audience. “That’s more applause than I expected,” she deadpanned. Silverman’s Hitler wanted to “clear the air” over what he viewed as “unfavorable” comparisons to Trump.

“Don’t get me wrong, Conan, I agree with a lot of what he says. A lot. Like 90 percent of what he says, I’m like, this guy gets it,” Hitler admitted. “But it’s just, I don’t like the way he says it. It’s crass, you know?”

“What kind of person talks about his penis size on national television?” Hitler asked. As someone who “famously has a micropenis,” he added, “that’s what makes a tyrant.”

“All these comparisons to Trump, it’s like, it bums me out, you know what I mean?” Hitler continued. “Sometimes I watch him and I’m like, ‘Is that how people see me?’ And I have to be honest, Trump, he’s starting to make me rethink some of the things I’ve done.” After a pause, Hitler added, “Ah, who am I kidding? I got to be me!”

Trump finally addressed the Hitler comparisons in an interview with Good Morning America this week. “I don’t know about the Hitler comparison. I hadn’t heard that, but it’s a terrible comparison,” the Republican candidate said. “I’m not happy about that, certainly.”

On the raised-hand pledge he has been asking his supporters to do at rallies—an image that strongly evokes the Nazi salute—he added, “I think it’s ridiculous, I mean we’re having such a great time. Sometimes we’ll do it for fun, and they’ll start screaming at me, ‘Do the swear-in, do the swear-in!’”

“I don’t want to offend anybody,” Trump insisted. “But I can tell you that it’s been amazingly received.”