
Chris Christie Struggles to Defend Trump to Jimmy Fallon


Jimmy Fallon gave Chris Christie a chance to explain why he’s supporting Donald Trump Friday night. But the New Jersey governor didn’t have much to say.


The last time New Jersey Governor Chris Christie appeared on The Tonight Show, it was as a terrified-looking cardboard cutout standing behind Jimmy Fallon’s Donald Trump.

Following Christie’s big endorsement of Trump last month, the days of “Dad Dancing” with Fallon seem like a distant, rose-colored memory. Though he is consistently the easiest political interview in late-night, Fallon still made the governor explain what in the world he was thinking when he decided to back Trump. And he brought out the 2D Christie for some assistance.

No longer a presidential candidate, Christie was demoted to the number two guest spot behind actor Aaron Paul. “Couldn’t be more fired up,” the governor said when he finally sat down beside Fallon.

After some small talk and a handful of requisite fat jokes, Fallon brought up the infamous endorsement press conference. “I saw you standing behind Trump on Super Tuesday and you looked like you were having a blast,” Fallon said. “Were you being held hostage at this time?”

“No, no, no,” Christie said before turning things around on Fallon. “You know what, this is what you would look like if you were standing behind Jay Leno when he was doing his monologue.” He then added, “If you’re used to talking, it’s awkward not to talk.”

Asked why he decided to support Trump over candidates like Ted Cruz and John Kasich, Christie replied, “Because he’s better than them.” He declined to provide any specific rationale as to what makes Trump “better” than the rest, instead deflecting to a joke about Fallon declaring his candidacy.

Christie also shot down any talk of him becoming Trump’s running mate. “I have a hard time believing that anyone would ask me to be vice president,” he said, pointing to the cardboard cutout as proof. “When you’re vice president, that’s basically what you do, right?”