
Ivanka Trump, the Face of Dad’s Get Out The Vote Effort, Forgets to Change Registration


Donald Trump’s daughter has made calls and videos asking supporters to do what she (and her brother Eric) forgot to do.

Kena Betancur/Getty

Despite spending the last four months lecturing Trump supporters on how to register to vote, Ivanka Trump missed the deadline to register to vote for her dad in New York.

Ivanka’s failure to follow New York’s non-complicated voter registration rules to change her affiliation from independent to Republican (to vote in the closed primary) is remarkable, given that she’s been the public face of her father’s get-out-the-vote efforts.

She made nearly half a dozen campaign videos on the importance of registering to vote. But her family didn’t seem to be paying attention, since her brother Eric also forgot to register.

“Hi, Iowa,” she said with a cute wave in a YouTube video published Jan. 30 that clocked more than 100,000 views. “I’m Ivanka Trump, and I am really excited to tell you how to caucus for my father, Donald J. Trump, on February 1.”

She then explained—in small words and short sentences—how Iowans could vote for Trump in the first contest of the cycle.

Over the following months, she became the campaign’s most visible get-out-the-vote surrogate.

She gave a repeat performance for the voters of South Carolina.

“If you need any information on how to vote this Saturday, go to DonaldJTrump.com/SouthCarolina,” she told them. “We have a webpage built out that will tell you everything that you need to know. But most importantly, come out and vote.”

And she starred in one video lecturing Floridians on the perks of early voting, and another explaining how important it was that they register to vote as Republicans by the state’s Feb. 16 deadline.

She was featured in a video for Nevadans telling them they had to register to vote as Republicans by Feb. 13 if they wanted to boost her dad.

Over the past few months, she dished out tons of voting advice that she didn’t follow.

Trump tried to cover for his daughter on Fox and Friends on Monday morning.

“They had a long time to register and they were, you know, unaware of the rules and they didn’t, they didn’t register in time,” he told the show’s hosts. “So they feel very, very guilty, they feel very guilty, but it’s fine. I mean, I understand that.”

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