
Trump’s Butler Hates ‘Negroes,’ Wanted to ‘Carpet Bomb’ Ferguson, Called ‘Killery’ Clinton a ‘C**t’


Trump’s Mar-a-Lago butler seemed like a nice old man in a New York Times profile earlier this year. But his Facebook page reveals a racist, Hillary Clinton-hating monster.

via Facebook

Donald Trump’s longtime butler wants President Obama killed — thinks Hillary Clinton is a “LYING DECEIVING C**T !!!!!!!” and that Ferguson, Missouri, should be “carpet bombed.”

On Thursday, Mother Jones magazine’s David Corn reported Anthony Senecal, who served as Trump’s butler for 17 years before becoming the real estate mogul’s in-house “historian” at Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, has been taking to Facebook to rant about how the current president should be hanged.

“Looks like that sleezey bastard zero (O) is trying to out maneuver Congress again, if the truth be known this prick needs to be hung for treason!!!” Senecal declared on his Facebook page on April 21, 2015.

Senecal confirmed to Mother Jones that he wrote that post: “I wrote that. I believe that.”

The Secret Service confirmed on Thursday that they would investigate Senecal. “The U.S. Secret Service is aware of this matter and will conduct the appropriate investigation,” spokesman Robert Hoback emailed The Daily Beast. (Threatening the life of the president is a federal crime.)

A review of Trump’s butler/historian’s beyond far-right—and often vulgar—Facebook posts show they frequently veer into overt racism.

When he read news that a Belgian newspaper was in hot water for portraying Barack and Michelle Obama as apes, he asked “with who are they in trouble with,” and said “I think the newspaper deserves a Pulitzer Prize !!!!!!” for the racist imagery.

Late last year, he was furious that Obama was “castrating our Military !!!!!!!” and that it was “time for our Military to drag that fraud out of the white mosque and hang his ass for treason and other high crimes against AMERICA !!!!!!! Trial to follow !!!!!!!”

Trump’s butler is also not a fan of the 2016 Democratic presidential frontrunner.

“This shows killery clinton to be a LYING DECEIVING C**T !!!!!!! I would NEVER cast my ballot for this BITCH in any election !!!!!!” he commented on Sept. 14.

“killery started life as a conniving bitch and I'm happy to report she is still a bit of a slut at it !!!!!!!!” he wrote on June 27.


In August 2015, when a state of emergency was declared in Ferguson, Missouri, Senecal said it was finally “time to remove Ferguson from Missouri---move the sane people out during the day and carpet bomb the city from the face of the Earth at night---if you blow up the protestors, oh well !!!! Case closed !!!!!”


In June 2015, he posted a photo of a Confederate flag—10 days after the Charleston church shooting, and a week after Dylann Roof’s Confederate fetish was reported. Later that month, he posted an image of a black man holding up a Confederate flag and railed against the “the liberal negroes !!!!!”

And on June 24, 2015 (roughly two months after the Baltimore riots), Senecal once again ranted about “negroes.”

“Hey negroes---you keep listening to idiots like al sharpless, ezekial cummings and zero and you folks ain't never gonna get nowhere !!!!!” he stated. “How about you folks start to listen to Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell---you might get out of Baltimore !!!!!


And for good measure, on Feb. 12 he signed a petition at Change.org to calling on his boss (and prefered presidential candidate) to “arrest and charge Beyoncé and Jay Z for ‘Providing Material Support for Terrorism.’”

In March, Senecal was profiled by The New York Times, which noted that “few people here can anticipate Mr. Trump’s demands and desires better than Mr. Senecal,” and that he “seems to reflect his boss’s worldview [in that he] worries about attacks by Islamic terrorists and is critical of Mr. Trump’s ex-wives.” As Mother Jones notes, the lengthy profile does not mention his social-media rants.

The Secret Service did not immediately respond to The Daily Beast’s request for comment. Neither did the Trump campaign.

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