
Is This Hillary Clinton KKK Supporter Just an Elaborate Troll?


Grand Dragon William Quigg has said he’ll vote for Clinton and has donated $20,000 to her campaign. But is he just blowing smoke?

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast

In the video, Will Quigg is leaning against a silver Honda, catching his breath after a violent protest in Anaheim.

“Who do you support for president, sir?” he’s asked in a hasty interview with the Orange County Register.

The grand dragon of the West Coast chapter of the Loyal White Knights of the KKK then says something that took many by surprise:

“Hillary Clinton.”

After his response, there appears to be a jump cut in the video, which was shot after a March demonstration by the KKK. Just seconds later, Quigg explains why he thinks whites are a superior race and that he is against an open border policy—two things that would appear to make him a likely supporter of Donald Trump.

Almost six months later, this four-second soundbite resurfaced on Fox & Friends as a retort to Clinton’s speech assailing Trump for the white supremacists who have been inspired by his presidential campaign.

On its face, the clip appears to be an effective example of hypocrisy. How can Clinton condemn Trump for all the racists he attracts when she has also been endorsed by a bigot?

But the Clinton “endorsement” may have a simple explanation: Will Quigg is full of it. He can’t provide any details about his alleged donations to her campaign, his beliefs don’t line up with a single one of her policy stances, and even fellow Klan members think he’s bluffing.

On Sept. 17, 2015—the same month he created his Twitter account—Quigg tweeted a supportive message to Trump, one that has been echoed by a number of white supremacists over the past year.

“@realDonaldTrump You Sir are the only hope we have of getting WHITE AMERICA BACK! WE all will be voting for you! CHURCH OF INVISABLE EMPIRE,” he wrote.

When Quigg was asked about the tweet, which looks suspiciously like a full-throated endorsement of Trump and remains up to this day, he gave a nonsensical answer.

In an interview with The Telegraph in March, Quigg explained that he decided to back the Democrat when he “found out about Hillary Clinton’s main agenda,” which he says contradicts every single thing she has publicly said.

“I cannot reveal my sources,” Quigg said when questioned further about Clinton’s secret agenda. “It’s my opinion—if you know what I mean, wink, wink. I don’t want her to come back and say I’m slandering her.”

A month later, Quigg told Vocativ that he and other Klan members had contributed more than $20,000 to Clinton’s campaign. Clinton spokesman Josh Schwerin said at the time that the campaign had never received the contributions and that “We want no part of them or their money and vehemently reject their hateful agenda.”

The Daily Beast reviewed Federal Election Commission filings from the campaign and found no evidence of Quigg’s name or anonymous contributions. Additionally, the FEC expressly prohibits making contributions in another person’s name.

“No person may knowingly permit the use of his or her name to effect such a contribution,” the commission’s website reads. “It is also prohibited to knowingly assist someone in making or to accept a contribution in the name of another. It is also unlawful to knowingly permit the use of one’s name to effect a contribution in the name of another or to help someone make or accept such a contribution.”

Questioned further Monday in a phone interview with The Daily Beast, Quigg refused to provide any details of his alleged donations.

“How many times have you had sex in your life?” the grand dragon asked when The Daily Beast requested that he provide the name he used to make the campaign contributions. He asked such an intrusive question, he said, to mirror how stupid he thought the reporter’s question was.

“I don’t care about evidence,” Quigg said when pushed further. “I don’t care if she says she didn’t get it. We know in our heart we gave it to her.”

Quigg first told The Daily Beast he sent Clinton $5,000, a figure he later amended to $4,000, all while trying to rush the interview to a conclusion, saying he had a doctor’s appointment.

“I’ve said enough,” Quigg would say intermittently.

This was not the first time he had dodged The Daily Beast. In May, Quigg said via email that he was not interested in giving an interview, adding quixotically: “I will be out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean until Feb. 29. You can contact me after that.”

Beyond the questions about his alleged campaign contribution, Quigg does not appear to be a typical Clinton fan. He believes that immigration is threatening the supremacy of the white race and that President Obama is a homosexual from Kenya whose secrets are being concealed by the Jewish globalists whom he appoints to positions of power.

“The Jews control Obama. I don’t have their names right in front of me,” Quigg said before asking whether The Daily Beast had sent a mole to one of his recent Klan rallies. “He does not want them going to their Jewish-owned NBC, CBS, and ABC, and putting it out there that Barack Obama is homosexual and he is here illegally.”

So what about the other 50 people who Quigg claims anonymously donated their hard-earned Klan money to Clinton’s campaign?

“You think I’m stupid?” Quigg said when The Daily Beast asked for a name of another person who donated. “That’s why we’re called the Invisible Empire.”

Still, the Klan has made itself quite visible in this election cycle, Quigg included, and no one seems to be buying that the West Coast leader is being genuine.

“I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure most are going for Trump,” Imperial Klokard Joe Mulligan of the East Coast Knights told The Daily Beast back in April. “Sanders wants to rape the working man, Hilary is a feminazi who wants to destroy our Second Amendment, [Ted] Cruz, I can’t even stomach to look at his misshapen mouth.”

No one in the East Coast Knights would be casting a vote for Clinton, Mulligan said. “We enjoy our firearms too much to hand them down to uppity feminist Clinton and her 13-year-old boy haircut,” he explained.

Hunter Wallace, of the “Pro-White” website Occidental Dissent, told The Daily Beast he didn’t believe Quigg’s donation claims.

“$20K? I seriously doubt it,” he said in an email exchange.

The only names that rang a bell for him for Klan donations were Trump and Cruz.

“My friend Earl Holt III from the Council of Conservative Citizens donated to a bunch of candidates, including Ted Cruz,” Wallace said. “That was publicized last summer. I’ve heard William Johnson has been running some unsolicited robocalls on behalf of Trump. That’s also been widely reported in the media.”

Johnson, along with David Duke and a host of white supremacists, have shown their support for Trump through public endorsements, campaign contributions, and robocalls. None are backing Clinton besides—maybe—Quigg.

So is Quigg some elaborate troll trying to undermine the Clinton campaign? Or is he just doubling down because he loves the attention?

Before he could answer any other questions or provide evidence of or reasons for his Clinton support, the grand dragon cut the proceedings short.

“I’m done with this interview,” he said.

Then he hung up.

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