
Seth Meyers: Trump Foundation Way Worse Than Hillary Clinton’s ‘Scandals’


The ‘Late Night’ host compares Trump Foundation’s ‘pay to play’ to lack of evidence about Clinton Foundation wrongdoing.


As Election Day 2016 approaches, Seth Meyers thinks “one candidate’s alleged scandals seem to be getting a lot more attention than the other’s.”

As the Late Night host laid out Wednesday night, Hillary Clinton has been avoiding reporters this summer so she doesn’t have to answer questions about her private email server or the Clinton Foundation’s potential conflicts of interest with the State Department. The issues only escalated last week when the FBI released notes from its interview with the candidate about her emails.

Among the supposed revelations were that Clinton apparently didn’t know the “C” on certain emails stood for “confidential.” “But you know who does know that ‘C’ stands for ‘confidential’? Donald Trump,” Meyers said, before presenting a tweet in which Trump expressed outrage that Clinton didn’t know it stood for “CLASSIFIED.” As Meyers put it, “You know, it’s so great that when Trump is wrong, he does us the favor of highlighting it by putting it in all-caps.”

And while some of Clinton’s emails imply that Clinton Foundation donors may have received “special access” to the State Department, Meyers made it clear there is “no evidence the State Department did any favors for them.” This brought him to “another foundation you may have heard a lot less about”: the Trump Foundation.

As we now know, Trump was forced to pay a penalty to the IRS when his foundation made a charitable donation to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, who was at the time investigating Trump University for fraud. “But if you ask Trump, the two had nothing to do with each other,” Meyers said. The only problem, he added, is that Trump spent the entire primary “openly bragging about how he was able to buy politicians and get whatever he wanted from them by giving them money.”

That included Hillary Clinton herself, who Trump said had “no choice” but to attend his most recent wedding because he donated to her Senate campaign. “Think about how sad that is,” Meyers said. “He is bragging that he had to pay people to come to his wedding.”

Finally, while Trump supporters like Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani have been accusing Clinton of pay-to-play and calling for her imprisonment, Meyers hit them for “brushing off” the accusations against Trump as “completely innocuous.”