Since she lost the presidential election to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton has made just a handful of public appearances, once at a charity gala in Washington D.C. and the other to deliver a UNICEF award to Katy Perry in New York City last week. Otherwise, the only glimpses we’ve received of the newly-reclusive Clinton have been in selfies with supporters who apparently found her roaming around the woods near her Chappaqua house.
This week, Saturday Night Live took the next logical step and turned her into Bigfoot. In “The Hunt for Hil,” two brave souls traveled into the woods of Westchester County to search for “the most elusive legend of all,” Hillary Rodham Clinton.
First, they spoke to an eyewitness who had seen something blonde, about 5’ 6”, who “seemed like it kind of wanted some time to itself.” They tracked her by laughing into the wilderness and hearing a response back. They decided to lure her towards them with a clipping of an article about Jill Stein’s Wisconsin recount.
And we thought this would be the last we saw of Kate McKinnon’s Hillary Clinton on SNL.