
Seth Meyers to Media: Time to Retire ‘Alt-Right’ and Just Say ‘Nazis’


The Late Night host delivered a strongly worded message to the media about their use of the term ‘alt-right.’


“Since the election of Donald Trump and the ascension of his right-hand man, Steve Bannon, there have been fears about the rise of white supremacy,” Seth Meyers said Wednesday night. “Yet the media seems to be bending over backwards to normalize the so-called alt-right movement.”

As examples, the Late Night host pointed to headlines from CNN that likened white supremacists to “hipsters” and an article in The Atlantic that asked the question “Are Jews white?” As Meyers replied, “I don’t know, do they subscribe to The Atlantic?”

“Hey! Media! What are you doing?” Meyers asked. “How do you confuse hipsters with Nazis? Nazis like to invade other people’s territory and turn it into a utopia for the white race, whereas hipsters…” At that point Meyers admitted they might be onto something. “But still!”

Meyers called on the media to stop using the term “alt-right,” which is what those in the movement want it to be called. “If it looks like a duck and talks like a duck and steps like a goose, it’s a Nazi!” he declared.

“This is America! And if we’ve ever done anything we can all be proud of, it was defeating the Nazis,” he continued. “Get your shit together, media! Calling Nazis and white supremacists the alt-right is like calling O.J. Simpson a cutlery enthusiast.”