
Jenna Jameson Defends Milo and the KKK, Slams Keith Ellison in Anti-Muslim Tirade


The former porn star has gone full alt-right.

Mike Marsland

As one of the world’s most famous ex-porn stars, a XXX icon who’s appeared in close to 200 adult films, it is pretty surprising that Jenna Jameson has rebranded herself as an alt-right firebrand.

Then again, the 42-year-old formerly known as Jenna Marie Massoli has, in recent years, become a major proponent of far-right thought, tweeting and retweeting provocative messages criticizing Muslims and immigrants to her 693,000 followers (some of whom, we assume, may have thought they were going to receive more than regurgitated Breitbart headlines).

Jameson, a vocal supporter of Trump—who claims to have converted to Judaism in order to wed her fraudster fiancé, and once cameoed on The Celebrity Apprentice—has spent much of the last 48 hours engaged in an anti-Muslim Twitter tirade, which began after she leapt to the defense of President Trump’s spurious implication at a Florida rally that Sweden had suffered some sort of terrorist attack when it had not, prompting the former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt to question on Twitter what Trump had “been smoking.”

An undeterred Jameson continued the line of attack, citing newspaper articles and blogs to claim that Sweden was “a land of violence and fear” and accused one “silver spooned moron” of not realizing “what the women of Sweden are facing.” She even retweeted Paul Joseph Watson, a conspiracy theorist who specializes in Illuminati fanfic.

When challenged as to what “her problem” was by other social-media users, Jameson replied, “I have a problem with roving Muslim rape gangs... call me crazy.” It is a sensitive subject for Jameson, who claimed in her autobiography that, in October 1990 at the age of 16, she was gang-raped by four young men after a football game in her then-hometown of Fromberg, Montana. They were white.

To bolster her online argument, Jameson then tweeted a link to an article in the U.K. tabloid the Daily Express, the headline of which suggested it was a report about how Sweden was covering up migrant crime, but failed to mention that the article was actually a report of a segment on… Fox News, on which the allegations about Sweden were based. For the unaware, Fox News aired a segment by filmmaker Ami Horowitz, a notoriously xenophobic anti-immigrant activist, that alleged Sweden’s increase in immigration—mostly Muslims—had led to a spike in crime. But two police officers featured in the film have since claimed that Horowitz is a “madman” who misquoted them and generally misrepresented their interviews. “There wasn’t any focus on migration or immigration,” they claimed.

“Sweden is the rape capitol of the world since it opened its arms to these sharia loving psychos,” Jameson nevertheless concluded (this is not true).

From that point on, Jameson went into overdrive, sending multiple messages in which she spoke of the “war being waged by Islam against the Western world” and the “Muslim rape epidemic.”

When one commenter quite reasonably requested Jameson to “stop putting all Muslims in the same package,” Jameson replied by continuing to do exactly that, writing, “Even moderate Muslims believe homosexuality is a criminal offense, polygamy is the norm, women are considered animals. Shall I go on?”

In another tweet, Jameson claimed she was blocked by U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who is Muslim, after she and her followers began harassing him online, calling him “anti semetic” [sic] for the action.

Jameson was then forced to deny she had defended the Klu Klux Klan, despite one tweet that read: “Do the Klu Klux Klan follow a religion that orders the death of apostates? When was the last time we saw a Klan member blow up infidels?”

Yesterday, Jameson even went so far as to defend Milo Yiannopoulos, the disgraced online troll who’s career has gone up in flames since video emerged of him defending hebephilia. Jameson claimed that the left-wing media “led a smear campaign against Milo, who is an important conservative leader for this generation,” followed by the #istandwithmilo.