
Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer Addresses Hitler Comments on SNL


As expected, Melissa McCarthy’s Sean Spicer returned to ‘Saturday Night Live’ this week—as the Easter Bunny.


As soon as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer expressed his very false belief that “even” Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons in World War II, we knew that Melissa McCarthy would be back on Saturday Night Live this week.

We just didn’t know that it would be as the Easter Bunny.

Taking on a role that Spicer once played in his pre-Trump days, McCarthy was just as furious as ever despite the bunny costume. “Don’t push me, I’m sweating my Easter eggs off in this thing,” he said.

“Everybody shut up!” he continued. “Shut up so I can apologize. Yes, you all got your wish this week, didn’t you? Spicey finally made a mistake.” Once again struggling through the name of the Syrian dictator—“I’ve got Bazooka Phylicia Ahmad Rashad”—Spicer repeated his comments and acknowledged the backlash. “Everybody was like, ‘Boo hoo, what about the Holocaust centers?’” he said.

“And I know they’re not really called ‘Holocaust centers.’ Duh!” he continued. “I clearly meant to say concentration clubs, OK? Let it drop!” He asked the “nit-pickers” to focus on the “big picture” instead of focusing on “every slur and lie” that comes out of his mouth. “That would be nice!”

“And P.S., I’d like you also to know I am sensitive to the fact that they were sent there on trains, but at least they didn’t have to fly United, am I right?” Spicer asked. “I am particularly sorry this happened on Passover, aka Jewish Easter,” he added, before using some dolls to act out the story of Pharaoh and the Jews.

Just to be “super clear,” Spicer gave a ranking of bad guys. “Boom, right up top, Hitler,” he said. “Then Syria’s Babar al-Ashad and three I’m going to go Pharaoh.” Before leaving the podium, Spicey added, “By the way, the president is probably going to bomb North Korea tonight.”