
Banksy Smears the Sundance Film Festival

Off the Wall

Anonymous graffiti artist Banksy stole some of the spotlight at the Sundance Film Festival. The reclusive artist debuted his pseudo documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, and supplemented his work with a sideshow wall painting that features a man behind the camera. The film, which premiered January 24, tells the story of an amateur filmmaker obsessed with Banksy looking to make a documentary of his idol. The British-born street artist thwarted the enamored novice’s efforts and instead of allowing him to make a movie, Banksy made one about him attempting to do so
 and failing. The movie is said to include appearances of fellow artists Shephard Fairey and the Invader and is narrated by actor Rhys Ifans. But don’t expect to see Banksy’s face any time soon. Even the film’s agent, John Sloss, famous for selling Little Miss Sunshine for $10.5 million in 2006, has never met the elusive artist-turned-filmmaker

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