
Birthers Sue Esquire for $285M


For article that made fun of them.

Charles Sykes / AP Photo

President Obama’s birth certificate is out but the birthers aren’t going away: Two prominent birthers are suing Esquire magazine for defamation and damaged business interests. The complaint by Joseph Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily, and Jerome Corsi, author of Where’s the Birth Certificate? stems from an Esquire parody, headlined “BREAKING! Jerome Corsi’s Birther Book Pulled From Shelves!” The magazine published the article on its website after President Obama released his birth certificate; many people, however, took it for straight news and the site had to add a note beginning “We committed satire this morning.” In a statement to Forbes, Esquire notes that the article was marked “humor” and that satire is “an age-old and completely legitimate form of expression.”

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