
Cain’s Pokémon Quote Explained


Previously attributed it to a “poet.”

Among the many bizarre moments from Herman Cain’s concession speech, the former GOP presidential hopeful referenced one of his favorite inspirational quotes, which he has previously attributed to "a poet." This time, he went straight to the source. “I believe these words came from the Pokémon movie,” Cain said toward the end of his speech. “Life can be a challenge. Life can seem impossible. It’s never easy when there’s so much on the line. But you and I can make a difference. There’s a mission just for you and me.” It was later revealed that the quote was actually a line from Donna Summers’s disco song “The Power of One.” New York magazine pointed out that, as if referencing the song wasn't strange enough on its own, Summers had actually written it for Pokémon: The Movie 2000.

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